Twentieth Trouble

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Twentieth Trouble

The next day...

Sean clung on Bo's shoulder, coaxing him to bring him into the forest. But Bo keep refused. Bo declined Sean's demand wasn't without any reason. He could scent the forest wasn't safe for Sean to go into. Sean's scent was too strong lately. Bo didn't know why Sean's scented so strong. Even last night Bo couldn't hold himself back from touching the boy. He didn't care if it was in his parents' house, where his mother could hear their night activity.

"If you don't want to accompany me, then I can go by myself!" decided Sean, felt sick with Bo's rejection.

"You don't go anywhere, Sean>>>!" said Bo, gripped on Sean's wrist.

"Ouch! You hurt me...!" Sean made a complain when he felt that Bo's grip was too hard on his wrist.

Bo quickly let Sean's hand go.

"Sorry," he said.

Sean stared at Bo with puckered lips. Bo gushed when he saw it.

"Fine," he sighed.

Sean smiled full of victory. He got up from the couch and went into the room to pick his camera up. Less than a minute he came back.

"Let's go!" he said, enthusiastically.

Bo got up reluctantly.

"Where's Aunty?" asked Sean, taking a water bottle and filled it with water.

"I think she went to the market....!" Replied Bo.

"Here has market, ma?" asked Sean.

"Then where we got the food?" Bo scowled.

"I thought you got from the Nature..." Sean grumbled.

"Shampoo can get from the jungle, ma?" Bo still scowling.

"Use nature shampoo. You know? There are plants that can produce the sticky and slimy liquid... You can use it as shampoo....!" Said Sean, grinning.

"Ok! We'll find it later for you to use...!" Bo muttered and rolled his eyes.

"Believe me, I don't use that! I'm the city person, ma?" snorted Sean.

"Pathetic city person...!" Bo snickered.

"But you need this pathetic city person...!" Sean hissed and glared at Bo.

"You can use my cum for shampooing and conditioning your hair. It can make your hair grows healthily..." Bo muttered.

"Eww...." Sean cringed.

"What eew? You even swallow it! I think your stomach is full of my cum already and ready to be a zigot...!" Bo glared at him.

"Eww...!" Sean still cringed. This time harder.

"Enough! Let's go! It's getting late already....! We go a while only, and you can't go to deep into the forest. It's not safe for you. Too many beasts inside there...!" said Bo.

"Then why are you people keep staying here if this forest has a lot of beasts? Don't you afraid if there are any beasts that comes to the village and attack the people around?" asked Sean.

"You don't understand what kind of beasts inside there, Baby...!" said Bo. He grabbed Sean's arm and dragged him outside before he gives him another question.

At the porch, suddenly Bo felt something was not right attacked him internally. He staggered and quickly grabbed the wooden pole.

"Bo? Are you okay? What happened?" asked Sean. He checked on Bo, worried if he was sick.

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