Twenty-Ninth Trouble

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Twenty-Ninth Trouble

Zhuo Cheng drove his jeep back home. He glanced at Sean who suddenly became too quiet for his liking. The way that led them to Zhuo Cheng’s resident also so quiet. They rare to find another vehicles pass by. Zhuo Cheng was living in the countryside in a small town.

“What did you buy just now?” asked Zhuo Cheng.

“Uh?” Sean startled as he was deep in thought about his encounter with his sister after quite some time just now.

Zhuo Cheng glanced at him with a scowling face.

“Ahh… How can I buy things? Suddenly you bring me home when I was choosing….” Sean grumbled and pouted.

“I didn’t see you are buying anything, ma? You only talked with that woman. Who is she?” asked Zhuo Cheng.

“She’s my sister. I never meet him since three months ago after I left home…!” Sean scowled.

Zhuo Cheng sighed.

“Why don’t you visit her?” asked Zhuo Cheng.

“Her husband is a police. He will suspect Bo who let me go alone…” Sean mumbled.

“Did he the one who assumed Bo as a shooter to the senator?” asked Zhuo Cheng again.

Sean nodded.

“Sometimes I feel confuse about what I have to do. Bo, however is a criminal. He has killed a lot people. He never knows if the people are guilty or innocent. He just takes the order and get money… And I protect him. Hide him, when I know he is guilty. I even stand on Kuan Ge’s way to investigate Bo…” Sean looked regretted his wrongdoing.

“Bo tried to quit the job, Sean…. Because he loves you and wants to protect you…!” said Zhuo Cheng.

Sean didn’t reply. He averted his eyes to the darkness ahead where the headlamps from Zhuo Cheng’s jeep shone around.

“And Jie Jie told me,that there is another gunshot case again. But Bo was with me when it happened. But now, Bo is gone. The police must do the searching on him. However, Bo is one of the suspects in police department’s list. They are collecting the evidence to arrest him…. Maybe he is doing his job again now…” Mumbled Sean. He turned his gaze to see the outside view out of the window.

“Sean….Have a faith on Bo. Would you? He is trying to quit. Now he’s trying to get help from his folks to protect you. He has a lot of enemies that can harm you. He knows what to do. He won’t let anything bad happens to you. Trust him!” retorted Zhuo Cheng.

Sean was about to reply to Zhuo Cheng’s statement when suddenly Zhuo Cheng stopped he car. Sean turned to Zhuo Cheng .

“What’s the matter?” asked Sean.

“I think I just ran over something…” hissed Zhuo Cheng.

“What??”’ Sean was surprise. He straightened his sitting position then he leaned on the dashboard to see the object that Zhuo Cheng just ran over.

Sean turned his head again at Zhuo Cheng.

“What did you crash on?” asked Sean.

“I don’t know. An animal. I think a… Dog?” Zhuo Cheng glanced at Sean.

“What? What dog in the middle of nowhere like this? It couldn’t be the pet of someone…!” cried Sean.

Sean was right. This place surrounded by the pine forest. The empty and lonely way was alone with no residential of the community around. It stretched from the city to the next settlement about 20 km away. So around the street was nothing, but the forest.

“I’m gonna check it. You stay here…!” said Zhuo Cheng, unbuckling his seatbelt.
Sean grabbed Zhuo Cheng’s shoulder, trying to stop him from getting out of the car.

“Don’t!” warned Sean.

Zhuo Cheng stared at Sean with a questioning look. Sean shook his head.

“I scent something isn’t right. Don’t get out. Just continue driving…!” said Sean.

“But how if the object is a human?” Zhuo Cheng reasoned.

“Zhuo Cheng! It’s a forest all around. Couldn’t be a human around in this time…!” retorted Sean.

“Maybe a hunter?” Zhuo Cheng insisted.

“A hunter? In this kind of forest? What they can hunt on? It’s not in the wild. Only a mere forest that divide between the remote area and the city…!”

“Sean! It’s forest. Not the human’s made forest, or the forest that taken care by human. It’s still a wild forest. Even if there are no beasts inside, but the animals like deer, monkey, they are there. The hunters are not always like me who hunt the beasts to collect their value parts like the skin and furs. Maybe these hunters are hunting the deer for them to consume…!” explained Zhuo Cheng.

“But you said just now it was an animal. Maybe a dog!’ Sean retorted.

“I’m not sure, ok? Now let me check it to make sure!” said Zhuo Cheng. He opened the car door.

“Zhuo Cheng! No! Ugh!” Sean kicking his leg when Zhuo Cheng was stubbornly got out of the car.

Zhuo Cheng stepped on his foot on the asphalted ground. He climbed down the car and walked over to the front of his car. Sean extended his neck to see what Zhuo Cheng found.

“Is that a dog?” asked Sean.

Zhuo Cheng looked around like a confused person. Sean furrowed his brows.

“I found nothing!” replied Zhuo Cheng. He walked further, thought maybe the victim thrown to the other side of the street.

Sean breathed his heavy breath out. He slammed his back on the backrest, hands on his head. He watched Zhuo Cheng who was trying to look into the forest. Sean quickly rolled the window down and called him.

“Zhuo Cheng! No! Don' go to the… Agh!”
Sean screamed when a pair of hands grabbed him as the door flung opens. Someone… Something dragged him out of the car.

Zhuo Cheng who heard Sean turned around and shocked when he saw a figure, like a person but hairy was dragging Sean away from the car.

“HEY!!!” cried Zhuo Cheng.

He quickly ran back to the car while the figure was dragging Sean who struggling to free himself from it.

“Hey! Stop! Where are you going to bring him??” shouted Zhuo Cheng.

The figure ran into the forest. Zhuo Cheng chased after it, didn’t bother with his jeep which still having its key hung on the ignition. What he cares much was Sean. Sean is his best friend’s mate and he is pregnant of their child. If Bo knows about it, he will go crazy, for sure. And he might hurt him as well, although he won’t kill him.

“Heyy! Stop!!” ZHuo Cheng shouted again.

“Zhuo Cheng!!” Sean screamed. He wriggling in the figure’s arms that threw him on its shoulder and carried him away.

“Hang on, Sean! I’m coming!’ shouted Zhuo Cheng.

“You have to, Asshole! It’s because of you! You don’t want to believe my scent!” Sean retorted.
“Can you less fierce for a while, Sean? You’re worse than a girl now!” Zhuo Cheng made a protest.

“I’m pregnant, Jerk!” Sean snorted.

Suddenly the figure slammed Sean on the ground.

“Argh! Bastard! Why did you carry me away if you wanna slam me hard on the hard ground??” Sean cursed as his back hit the ground. He squirmed to the pain. He rubbed his back.

The figure stood up in front of Sean, watching him who squirming like a worm.

“Stop!!” Zhuo Cheng shouted.

“Can’t you see he’s stop already? And worse, he throws me on the ground!” Sean retorted.

Zhuo Cheng grabbed the figure’s shoulder and yanked it. But guess the figure wasn’t a human. He didn’t budge to Zhuo Cheng forced strength. And in one stroke, he was able to make Zhuo Cheng bounced off. Zhuo Cheng grunted once he hits the ground. While the figure was still stood steadily in front of Sean and watching him who staring at it.

“Mann…. Your face is so hairy. Can you shave next time if you want to abduct me?” Sean scowled.

The figure didn’t respond to Sean's big mouth. He instead crouched down and leaned forward. Sean’s shoulders shrunk. He moved back a little when he found the figure’s face was leaning into his. Its hot breath that released by the figure swoosh into his face.

“Your breath is stink? Do you even remember to brush your teeth?” Sean held his nose, didn’t want to get the smell from the figure’s breath.

The figure’s nose was moving and the sniff sounds presented, as he was scenting Sean’s scent. Sean cringe to the action made by the figure. The figure was having a human’s shape, but the dark grey hair all over it told him that it’s not a human, too.
Suddenly the figure pulled back and growled that ended by the howl. Sean was taken aback.

“He’s not a dog… He’s a wolf. But wolf is the same family with the dog, right? Can I pet a wolf, though? Ohh… Well, my baby’s father is one of them…! And another pup is on the way…!” Sean rolled his eyes to the chaos on his mind. Then he rubbed his blotted stomach.

The figure stopped hollowing. The shine of the moonlight creeping up from the pine tree leaves that swaying around on the top of the trees as if it answering to the figure’s howl that content a sadness and maybe…. A heart breaks?

The light from the moon that shone through the leaves hits the ground, shone the area, as well the three figures inside the forest. And Zhuo Cheng who just able to get up after he thrown a few yards away with the broken back feeling, grabbed a piece of wooden pole and walked staggeringly to the figure who back facing him.

While Sean was surprised by the change that made by the figure. Once the moonlight hits him, the figure has made a transformation by disappearance of its Megaloman’s hair on its head, then crawled down to his body, hands that exposed which Sean could see.

The figure had transformed into a man. A human. A perfect man with his fair skin and fine feature. His eyes were closed at that time, receiving his transformation. Then once he opened his eyes, the sharp spark accompanied them as he glared at Sean. He smirked and let out a chuckle sound.

Sean was taken aback as he could recognize the man. A man with fine feature of his face, astonishment smirk and the canine teeth that shown when he was snarling and laughing.

“Xue Yang….” Sean hissed.

The man chuckled louder. He crouched down and grabbed the back of Sean’s neck. Then he sniffed on the side of it.

“Ahhh…. Your scent is still alluring even when you are pregnant, Sean….” Hissed Xue Yang.

He pulled back and stared at Sean. Then he chuckled.

“Your scent invited me to come to you when I was even not too close to you. Do you know where I was when I could smell your scent?” Xue Yang scoffed.

Sean didn’t reply or asking. He didn’t want to know. He was terrified. He understood that Xue Yang was having a desire toward him. But he didn’t want to be with him or even get close to him. He was rough and tough. He was very bad temper and way too narcissist. Apart from his good looking, he was nowhere to be compared with his bonded mate, Bo. And he loves Bo only. The father of his baby. Pup.

“I was miles away….” Said Xue Yang, continued.

Sean glared at Xue Yang. He was liking the man before, as he accompanied him when he was in the forest alone, until he threw his temper, then he knows he wasn’t good enough to befriend with.

“But you have given up yourself to that silly boy…! And let him marked you already….! Why is he always get the better things when I’m deserve more??” Xue Yang roared.


From behind, suddenly Zhuo Cheng screamed and swung the piece of wood at Xue yang. But Xue Yang had the animal’s scent. He knew that there was danger lurking around him. When he heard the creak of Zhuo Cheng’s step, he was already aware and glanced through the corner of his eyes.  So, when Zhuo Cheng was screaming, he swung his arm and slapped the wood off with the great strength which made Zhuo Cheng bounced off again and fell on the ground after his body hit the tree first.

Zhuo Cheng hit the ground with the grunt. Fresh blood spluttered from his mouth as the wood backfired him, hitting him on the stomach.

“Zhuo Cheng!” Sean shouted.

“Heh! Stupid human...!” Xue Yang scoffed.

“Don’t hurt him! He only tries to protect me!” cried Sean, glaring at Xue Yang.

“Protect you from me?” Xue Yang leered at Sean with a scoff. “Then he’s really stupid. He might an experience hunter, but beside his friend, he never been encountered with the hibryd beasts like us….!”

Xue Yang glanced at Zhuo cheng who struggling to get up. Then he turned again to Sean.

“Bo has chose the wrong guy to protect you, Sean…” hissed Xue Yang. Then he laughed. ”He so helpless!” he clapped his hands in enjoyment..

Sean tried to get up on his feet. He dusted off his clothes. When he raised his face, suddenly he found Xue Yang’s had already very close to his, which made Sean shouted.

“Holly fuck! Are you a ghost?” cried Sean, jumped a little to the back as Xue Yang immediately grabbed the back of his neck.
Xue Yang scented Sean’s scent again. Sean was so fragrant. The sweet fragrant that released by pregnant Sean was seduced him more. Sean’s scent was already very alluring when he was in heat, but this unbelievable seducing.

“S-stay… Stay away from me…!” Sean stuttered. He felt the fetus inside his bely stirred.

“Ahh… Sean… I don’t care if you are marked by Bo and have the scent of him with you. I want you anyway…..” hissed Xue Yang.

“Get away from me!!” Cried Sean, pushing Xue Yang by his chest.

But Xue Yang’s gripped was too strong on Sean’s neck. This time Xue Yang’s hand had moved to the front of his neck. Which made Sean feeling strangled by him.

Sean wriggling in Xue Yang’s grip. His face turned red as he lack of oxygen and had the difficulty to breath. Xue Yang’s hand gripped on his neck even harder.

“Kkh… Le…T .. Ekh… “ Sean was chocked.
Xue Yang let out the satisfied chuckle. His face raised to the moon in excitement. His chuckle turned into laugh, and became louder and louder full of satisfactory.

Sean almost unconscious to the choke. His movement got weakened. And he stopped move finally when Xue Yang’s grip was loosened and dropped him on the ground, when a voice presented.

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