Twenty-First Trouble

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Bo kept running into the forest. Just now, behind the bush, he met a black wolf. A male Beta wolf. The Beta told him that the smell of his rut was all around, and he needs to be away from Sean, otherwise he will attack Sean on the spot.

Bo didn't know the Beta was, but he scented that he was a friend. And he also could feel the strange feeling. He thought his rut was coming, but he shoved tye thought aside when he thought the sensation was different from his usual rut. So, he just ignored it. Honestly, he was almost attack Sean that time if the Beta was never came.

I'm sorry..... I can't hurt you, Sean... I will never forgive me if I ever make you hurt....

Bo heard Sean calling out of his name. But he couldn't stop and go back to him. He will endanger the boy. He felt hurt when he heard the boy's voice calling him. He was crying too.

Finally, after took another way to go home, he burst into the house, startled his mother.

"Ah Bo! Where have you been? Where Sean?" asked his mother.

"Mother! I need you to lock me up now! Tell Sean that I have an urgent job if he came back and asked where I am!" said Bo, without answering his mother's question.

Mrs. Wang who already used to the situation, only followed Bo to the basement. Bo entered a room by a small door located at the corner of the basement. Before he closed the door, still in crouching down position, Bo turned to his mother.

"Tell him that I love him. He's still in the forest now...!" said Bo.

Mrs. Wang nodded. Bo turned back into the room. Mrs. Wang pushed him in gently, then she helped Bo to close the door and put the metal bar crossing the door.

Mrs. Wang still stood up in front of the door a little while. She shuddered a little when faintly she heard Bo was screaming and growling. She rubbed her chest then turned around and left the basement,

At the porch, Mrs. Wang stood and looked at the direction of the forest. From between the trees, he saw a glimpse of an animal. She kept looking at the silhouette until came out of the dark. A pitch-black wolf. Mrs. Wang seemed doesn't surprise or fear of the animal. She stared at the dog and the same thing did by the dog at her.

They stared at each other for a quite some times, before finally the wolf ran back into the forest. Mrs. Wang sighed, then she sat on the swing that hung low at the porch.

"Why don't you bring your boyfriend with you to vent your rut, Son....?" Mrs. Wang muttered. She rubbed her forehead and give it a gentle massage.

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"Hi! We meet again!" the man who just came out from the dark greeted Sean. He smiled, most smirked at Sean. His canine teeth look like fangs that ready to tear anything off. But, by God, he was so handsome. His arrogant smirk suits his sharp gaze.

Sean looked at the man. His memory was in a mess to memorize the man in front of him. He furrowed his brows. The man swaying his hunting gun in his hand, then clung it over his shoulder with eyes never leave Sean.

"Forget me already?" asked the man, still smirking.

"Ahh...! I know! You're the man who had the flat tire that day!" cried Sean.

The man chuckled. He walked back and forth before Sean.

"Glad you can remember me. I was afraid that you will easily forget me as I'm not an attractive person...!" said the man. His eyes gazing at Sean flirtatiously.

"Oh! No, no! It's not like that! I'm too focus at my injury... That's why I can't memorize..." said Sean.

The man stopped walking back and forth. He still looked at Sean, though. He tilted his head, but didn't express that he was surprised or felt sorry to hear that Sean was injured. He chuckled instead. Sean glared at him with puckered lips. He was feeling irritated by the man treating his complain about his injury.

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