Tweleveth Trouble

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Before lunchtime, Bo excused himself to go home.

"Are you not eating here, ma?" asked Sean.

"No need. I'll go home and settle my own lunch., I need to continue to polish your bike, anyway....!" Replied Bo.

"I troubled you, uh?" Sean mumbled, then he pouted.

"You're not. I'm the one who wants to help you...!" said Bo.

"Who says you are helping me? You still charge me. Hmph!" Sean huffed.

Bo chuckled. He pinched Sean's nose tip.

"I was just joking...! I won't charge you....!" Said Bo.

"Really?" cried Sean excitedly.

"With one condition."

"I knew it. Nothing is free in this world...." Sean grumbled.

Bo took Sean's hand. Sean startled then he looked at Bo.

"Sleepover at my house again tonight...." Said Bo, full of hope.

Sean gasped silently. He drew back his hand. Bo looked dejected. He pursed his lips into a thin line and looked away.

"I will give you a condition, too!" said Sean, made Bo turned back at him.

"Yeah?" Bo said with a hoarse voice.

"Don't leave me alone in the house while I'm sleeping like you did last night....!" Said Sean.

Bo flinched. He gulped the bile in his throat. He stared at Sean who meant with his words.

"H-how...?" Bo's voice was somehow sounded broken.

"I know. You didn't sleep in your room for the whole night. I didn't know what time did you come back home in the morning. But you were not in your room or everywhere in the house..."

"I'm sorry..."

"Last night I was thinking that you have gone for killing spree again...!

"I didn't!"

"I'm glad if you didn't."



"Are you coming with me to go back to my house?" asked Bo

"I'll come over before dinner. You will wait for me in the house?" asked back Sean.

Bo smiled. Then he nodded. Sean smiled. He took Bo's hand and clasped their hands together. Bo stared at their intertwined fingers. Sean's hand was smaller than his. His slender fingers looked match on his big hands. Bo smiled at their hands. He thought, finally Sean opened his heart for him. He thought that Sean understood with his feeling and returned his love.

"Best friend forever?"

The words that Sean spilled out killed his excitement. He lifted his head and looked at Sean. Dejected.

While Sean was smiling sweetly at him. Bo's nostrils expanded when he breathed out a sigh full of irritation. He glared at the boy and dumped their hands apart. Sean was frowning with his action. And he whined when he saw walked up to the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Sean, chasing Bo to the door.

"Home!" replied Bo, harshly. He twisted the doorknob.

"Uhh... Ok. I'll be there by 6. What do you want to eat? I'll buy a take away for you...!" asked Sean.

"No need!"

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