Twenty-Fifth Trouble

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The sweet guy smiled. He walked a little bouncing to Xue Yang. He was an Omega from Xue Man's pack. His name was Xiao Xingchen. He had a crush on Xue Yang, but Xue Yang always avoided him. He even rejected Xingchen when Xingchen himself offered himself to be mated by Xue Yang during his rut. Xingchen got no idea why did Xue Yang reject his offer when he always picks the random Omega to be mated on his rut. This matter made Xingchen feels insecure and had a low self-esteem, thought that he wasn’t good enough for Xue Yang. But he never gives up to pursue the Alpha.
“Why are coming to the city?” Xue Yang repeated his question when Xingchen was only answered him with a smile.
“I come to visit you!” cried Xingchen.
Xue Yang sighed and rolled his eyes. He ushered his employee to go.
“I don’t need you to visit me. Ok?” Xue Yang glared at Xingchen. He walked fast to go to his office.
“Why?” whined Xingchen, chasing Xue Yang to catch up with his big steps.
“Because I don’t want to see you!” retorted Xue Yang.
“Why? Aren’t we friends? We said an oath when we were young…!” said Xingchen.
“Who says we’re friends?” snorted Xue Yang.
“Awh, Xue Yang! Don’t be so mean! You knew me since I was a toddler….!” Xingchen pouted.
“But you preferred to be with that Bo, right?”  Xue Yang retorted.
“Huh? Ain’t Bo is your cousin? Of course, I will be friend with both of you….!” said Xingchen.
Xue Yang glared at Xingchen. He entered his office. Xingchen followed him.
“Stop following me!’ Xue Yang frowned. But he didn’t close his office door, though.
“I know your rut is coming soon….!” Said Xingchen, closing the door behind him.
“So?” Xue Yang scoffed.
“Mate me!” replied Xingchen.
“In your dream!” scoffed again Xue Yang. He walked up to his chair.
“What is wrong if you mate me? Isn’t it better than you mating the random Omegas? Sometimes you even took the Betas to the inhibition to be mated…! What is wrong if you mate me? You don’t need to mark me, as well, if you don’t want me to be your bonded mate….!” Xingchen insisted.
“Xiao Xingchen! Stop blabbering! Now, I request you to get the hell out of my office!” shouted Xue Yang, harshly.
“But,-…” Xingchen was going to decline.
“NOW!!!” Xue Yang screamed the word.
Xingchen sunk. He was silent. Slowly, he turned around to the door, and walked reluctantly to the exit. He opened the door. Before he exited the office, he turned to Xue Yang who immediately looks away. Xingchen finally got out of the room with a heavy heart.
After Xingchen disappeared behind the closed door, Xue Yang turned his gaze at the door where Xingchen has gone. He heaved a sigh and massaged his forehead.
“Why are you so insisted to give up yourself when you know I'm not gonna mark you…?” Xue Yang murmured.

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Sean and Bo had come out of the inhibition. Mrs. Wang welcomed them out of the door.
“Come…! I have prepared you a delicious meal. You must be very hungry after you in there only eating the instant food….!” Said Mrs. Wang.
“Awh! Yeah! I'm so damn hungry, Aunty! Inside there Bo eats more than me. Maybe dog's appetite is bigger…..!” said Sean, glaring at Bo.
“Hey! I only ate whatever you left! I never have the new prepared meals. Always your leftovers….!” Bo made a protest.
“But you eat more! Just admit it!” Sean retorted.
Bo sighed. Mrs. Wang led the couple to go upstairs.
“Is your ass alright?” Bo whispered while they walking upstairs. He groped on Sean’s ass.
“Don’t touch! I think my ass has torn off already! It’s still pain and hot!” Sean slapped Bo's hand away.
“You’re the one who kept asking to be drilled….” Bo muttered.
Sean glared at him. Mrs. Wang who silently listening to their bickering on smiled sheepish and shook her head.
“Where is that lady, Aunty?” asked Sean when they were on the dining table.
”What lady?” Asked Bo who didn’t know what had happened when he was in the locked room.
“You don’t know that you have two mothers, ma?” Sean glanced at Bo.
Bo stopped eating. He looked at Sean, then to his mother.
Mrs. Wang stopped eating, too. She put her chopstick on the bowl, then she sighed. Sean who already felt guilty for his big mouth, continue picking up the rice in his bowl and putting it into his mouth without bother to pick the other dish in the serving plates.
“Mother… What is it all about?” asked Bo.
Mrs. Wang turned to Bo and stared at him.
“Bo… I know you don’t remember when we found you first time…” said Mrs. Wang.
“So…. My parents still alive…?” Bo muttered.
“You are our child! No matter what, even if I never give birth to you, you are still our child! Our son!” cried Mrs. Wang.
“Then where are my parents?” asked Bo, ignoring Mrs. Wang’s declaration.
Mrs. Wang heaved a sigh. Very heavy, until her breathe sounds shaken.
“We found you and you were unable to remember anything except your name. Bo. You couldn’t even remember your surname that time. Hence, we gave you our name after yours and claimed you as ours. When you hit your first puberty, you got a vision about your past and realized that you are a werewolf that belongs to a pack. But still, you didn’t remember what pack are you belong to. The rest, I’m sure you already know it….!” Said Mrs. Wang.
“Do you know if my parents still alive?” asked Bo.
Mrs. Wang didn’t answer. She lowered her head. Then shook her head.
“I didn’t know… Until you moved to the city….” She muttered.
“How do you know her?” asked Bo.
“I don’t know her. But your father does. But that time he also wasn’t sure if she was your mother, until he heard she mentioned you…!”
“How father knows about her?”
“He found her in the other side of the forest. She stayed there with two males. The older one and the younger one. Your mother is a human. Pure human who happened mated by your father who was a pure werewolf….”
“Do you think she knows that I was with you?”
Mrs. Wang nodded. “Yes. She does. Your father had talked to her, but she refused to visit you and gives you the knowledge about her….”
“For your safety. If she happens to come near you, the pack that led by your uncle will attack you and finish you. He hates your mother because she was a human. And he hates your father because your grandfather gave the leadership to him, and even prepared you to be the next leader in your pack. You got an extraordinary power since you are half a human. You got two brain cells of human and wolves. He wants to destroy you, including your mother….!”
Bo gulped his saliva.
“Why are you just tell me about it now?” asked Bo.
“Your mother’s request. But now, your uncle and the pack under his leadership already found you, so it’s not necessary to hide it anymore. …!’ replied Mrs. Wang.
Bo rubbed his face. Then he glanced at Sean who still stuffing his mouth with food. Bo averted his eyes on the dish.
“Sean!!!” he screamed.
“I’m hungry! I didn’t eat the proper food for almost two weeks!!”  cried Sean.
Mrs. Wang looked at the empty plates on the table, and she stunned. But then she chuckled.
“That’s why…. Eat while talking….! Hmh?” Said Sean, shoving the last piece of meat into Bo’s mouth.
Bo glared at him, eventually opened his mouth and ate the last piece of meat that fed by Sean. Sean smiled. He got up from his seat and cleared up the table.
“Just leave it, Sean…!” said Mrs. Wang.
“It’s ok, Aunty…! I already ate and finished your food, even your share. Let me clean…” replied Sean. He smiled at Mrs. Wang.
Sean went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.
“When are you going back to the city?” asked Mrs. Wang.
“Tomorrow. We’re going home already…” replied Bo.
“Why don’t you stay longer here?” asked Mrs. Wang.
“I have to work, Mother…!” replied Bo.
“Why should you have to schedule your work? You’re a freelance assassin, right?” Mrs. Wang crossed her hands on her chest.
“Mother, how…_” Bo didn’t continue his words when he got it about Sean’s big mouth.
“He really can’t be trusted with his big mouth….” Bo muttered.
“Why do you choose this way, Son?” asked Mrs. Wang, touching Bo’s hand.
Bo turned and stared at his mother. He took Mrs. Wang wrinkled hand and stroke it gently.
“I want to give you a good live without thinking of how poor we are with many times we had no money… And I’m not a person with a brilliant brain even though I’m strong. What I capable of is to make people vulnerable under my power….” Bo explained.
“But don’t you know, there are police who hunting you down?”
“I know. But they can’t catch me. Believe me, Mother…!”
“You can’t fool them a life time, Son… Please, stop it before it’s too late….!” Mrs. Wang grabbed Bo’s hand with her other hand.
“I’m trying, Mother….! But there are some people who knows me in person, too. They will try to hurt Sean if I refuse….!”
Mrs. wang stared at Bo with concern. Her eyes were glistening with tears that welled up o the brick of her eyes.
“I don’t want you to get hurt….” Hissed Mrs. Wang.
“No one will ever hurt me, Mother….” Promised Bo.
“you can’t always escape, Son….”
“Pray for me, Mother…. Pray for me….”
Mrs. Wang lowered her head and let out a sniffle.
“Heyy… What did you do to Aunty? Why do you make her cry!” Sean who just came back from washing the dish slapped Bo’s back.
Bo looked up at Sean.
“We’ll go home tomorrow….!” Decided Bo.
“Huh? Why so fast? We’re only here to spend time in the room in the basement, ma?” Sean whined.
“Here is not safe for you, Sean. You’re a newly Omega. Even you have bonded with an Alpha, you are still in danger. Especially when the Alpha is me…!” said Bo.
“What the hell? Why am I involved in this ABO story?” Sean whined and walked to the room.
Bo ignored him. He turned to his mother who was looking at him.
“They have spread to the city, as well…. Get alert. You need the back up from the pack in the forest as well. You better go and have a talk with the pack that left by your father and leave Sean to his family meanwhile….!” Said Mrs. Wang.
Bo didn’t say a word. He turned to see at the room where Sean just entered. He couldn’t bear to leave Sean alone in the city, even though with his family. The danger was all over. And the relationship between Sean and his family wasn’t in a good term as well as they still unable to accept him to be in relationship with him since they still suspected Bo as the most wanted criminal. But then he remembered to Zhuo Cheng. He always able to rely on him. And Sean already met him, too.
“Go see him and comfort him. He needs someone to pamper him…” said Mrs. Wang when she heard Bo was sighing.
Bo got up from his chair, then he walked to the room and closed the door, leaving his mother alone at the dining table.
Sean was fidgeting with his mobile on the bed when he heard Bo closing the door. He glanced at Bo through the corner of his eyes, then focused again on his mobile. Bo sat on the bed next to Sean. But Sean ignored him. Bo was feeling awkward and weird with Sean’s mood swing. Just now Sean was okay. He was sure it wasn’t about they are going back home soon that caused him having a mood swing. But what? Bo was still confused.
“Hey….” Bo grabbed Sean’s leg that stretched out on the bed.
“Hmm…” Sean hummed.
“What happened to you?” asked Bo.
“Nothing,” replied Sean, short.
“Then why are you sulking?” asked Bo.
“Not sulking,” replied Sean.
“Then?” Bo raised one of his brows.
“Bad mood,” Sean mumbled.
“Of what?”
“I don’t know.”
“of me?”
“I said I don’t know!” Sean retorted. He glared at Bo and dumped himself into the pillow and turned his body, back facing Bo.
Bo was very confused.  He didn’t get what has possessed Sean which made Sean acted so weird. He climbed on the bed and straddled Sean.
“I’m sorry for unable to make you a happiest man in the world….” Bo mumbled as he pressed his nose on Sean’s back.
Sean didn’t answer. But he was moving and facing Bo.  He stared t Bo.
“Maybe I’m not the happiest man in the world. But I’m happy enough to have you in my world….” Sean said. He caressed Boo’s face.
“Next time, maybe I will leave you for a while. Please, take care of yourself….” Bo whispered, holding back the emotional feeling that suddenly had an urge to welled up inside his chest.
“Why do I feel it’s a goodbye?” Sean couldn’t stop the tears that hung on the brick of his eyes.
“Ssshhh…. I’ll be back, Baby…. I’ll be back for you. Don’t cry…. I’m not going anywhere. I only go for a while. And I will come back whole to you…. I’ll go for our future. For our peaceful….”  Bo caressed Sean’s lips.
“Promise that you will be back safe and alive….!” Sean wept between his sobs.
“What are you talking about?” Bo chuckled. “I only go to get help from my clan, not for fight. I think otherwise about you. I’m scared, without my supervise, you’re gonna do the reckless thing….”
“Don’t go….” Sean hugged the man tightly.
“I have to. It’s for us….” Hissed Bo.
“I don’t want you to go…!”
“I’ll be back….”
Sean buried his face on Bo’s crook. He got no idea why this depart makes him uneasy and suffocated. He wanted Bo to be around him. He didn’t know why he was so reliant upon Bo all of sudden. All the weirdness suddenly surrounded him without he noticed. But he didn’t want to think about it a lot right now. He only wanted to spend the time with Bo before he goes somewhere he didn’t know that he didn’t know when. But he was sure it would be soon enough for him to realize.

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