Thirty-Sixth Trouble

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Thirty-Sixth Trouble

Bo dropped the suitcase when he found that the car has fled brought Sean away in high speed.

“Tang Wei!!!! Fuck youuuuuu!!!!” Bo screamed his lungs out.

He was more than angry. He was in rage. And it seemed not doing good at all. Bo had his eyes turned blood shot while he lets out a deep growl. He snarled, showing the sharp fangs that sticking out if his mouth. His back hunched and he fell on his hands and knees. A few moment later, he has transformed into a grey wolf.
As fast as wind, he made the big leaps on his four legs, trying to chase after the car that has been escaped and couldn’t be seen anymore.
The car went to the opposite direction where Bo was headed to. That means Sean won’t be able to meet Ray who was getting ready for his baby delivery. Bo can’t neglect his Omega and baby’s safety. He was worried if Tang Wei would harm Sean as she had grudge on him who has rejected her because of Sean.
Bo stopped after he ran very far enough from where he had the crash. He looked at the surroundings. It was still a Savanah at one side and the forest on the other side. A long long way after the savanah, there was a lake and another forest after it.
Bo tried to scent the scents of the two Omegas and a Beta. He was sure, even Sean was far away from here, he still be able to smell his scent.
He was stunned when he could smell their scent. The strong Omega scent diluted with another Omega and Beta. And he was froze when he scented something else.
Alpha…. Why is there an Alpha? Bo thought.
He snapped his head to the scents, then he started to run again. This time he went into the forest. There was the path of the wheels on the crushed mud. It was a Mangrove forest, where the swamps and the puddles of watery mud created around the trees.
The wet mud splashed around when Bo hit his legs on it. There were the small insects and other small animals who love to live in the muddy ground crawling over and some crawled on his legs. But Bo couldn’t care less. He let those animals crawling and snuck into his fur. Some of the leeches stick themselves on his fury skin and started to suck his blood. Bo flinched. He stopped running and tried to find the leeches who are trying to suck up his blood. He bit the leeches he found and having a party on parts of his body, then he slammed them on the muddy ground in the dead condition.
“Fuck!” he hissed. He changed his form into a human again. He had no shoes and clothes on. They all removed when he changed into a wolf just now. He was fully naked now.
Suddenly there bangs of the gunshots. Bo stopped flicking off the leeches. He searched for the sound of the gunshots.
“Hunters?’ he mumbled, asking himself.
There were more gunshots.
“It’s not a hunter’s gun. Not that kind of sound…” he muttered again
He walked slowly further in to the woods. He heard there were rustle of footsteps. A lot of people. More than five, Bo predicted.
Bo jumped behind a big tree to hide himself. Not long after, a group of people in black uniforms came up with the machine guns on their hands.
“He ran there!” One of them shouted.
“You go there with Richard! Jeff! You come with me! Siao Lung! You go to the west with Han!” another one managed and broke the group.
And they ran to the said directions. Two of them ran to the direction where the puddles scattered around.
“Beware with the leeches! They can suck your blood till it dry…!” one of them warned.
“I wish a bitch leech will suck my cock…!’ joked the other one.
“You better watch your mouth. It’s jungle, dude…!”
The other one chuckled.
Behind his hideout, Bo was flinched when the remaining of leeches bit and sucked on his skin. He jumped and flicked them off of his skin.
“Fuck!” he hissed.
“He’s here!” one of the men shouted, signaling to the other men.
Bo couldn’t tolerate their gun attacks. He jumped out of behind the tree in his wolf form. He jumped and attack the two men in black uniforms.
“Damn! It’s not him! It’s wolf! Help!” screamed the man.
Bo clawed and bit the man, left the marks of his claws on the man’s face. He also bit and torn the man’s clothing.
The other man aimed his gun at Bo and tried to shoot him. Lucky it was missed. Felt threatened, Bo turned to the other man and jumped and attacked him. He did the same thing to him, too. Bit and clawed him.
Bo didn’t have intention to finish those men as he didn’t see them as threat to his search on his boyfriend. But his bite and scratch left the deep marks on them which make them lost a lot of blood, and it made them fell unconscious.
Bo got up. His form slowly turned again into human’s shape. He quickly removed the clothes of one of the men. He wore the clothes and the shoes. He also took the gun. He was alert when he heard there are sound of footsteps running toward his direction.
Bo quickly got up and ran before the other men found him.
Bo ran deeper into the woods. He could hear the ruckus behind him. He ran faster when he was able to scent Sean.
Sean… wait for me. I’m coming, baby….


Tang Wei dragged Sean our of the car who seemed in pain.
“He got his due date!” cried Xingchen.
“Fuck! What are we gonna do now?” cursed Tang Wei.
“Why do you even ask me? Isn’t it you who abduct him from his Alpha?” Xingchen snarled.
“I didn’t know he is going to give birth!”
“Walah!  Your scent is so low, Tang Wei! I can’t believe you have the high power when your scented ability is so low!”
“Stop complaining! Now help me to help his deliver!”
“I thought you don’t like him!”
“I don’t! I hate him for taking Bo away from me! But I have to safe the baby since it’s Bo’s! After that, I don’t care about this human Omega!”
“You behave like you are not a female…' mumbled Xingchen.
“Stop grumbling!”
“Ah! My water breaks!” Sean screamed.
“Shit! Tang Wei! We need to hurry! He’ll give birth very soon!” cried Xingchen.
“I know! But where are we gonna bring him? Your stupid car also, why does it dead in this kind of place??!”
“Hey! Who is having the idea to enter the forest?”
“My baby! Awh! Gosh! It’s pain! Awh!” Sean screamed again. He stopped following Tang Wei who dragging him.
“Don’t stop here, you’re idiot!” Tang Wei scolded Sean.
“If you want to go, just leave! I  can’t walk  anymore!” said Sean, pushing Tang Wei away.
“I need your baby, Stupid! Without that baby, how can I lure Bo to be mine??”
“Why do you think he will love you by only by having my baby? If you end up leaving me dead, he will only loves the baby, not you!” said Sean.
“Oh yeah, Mr. Know It All! We’ll see! I know Bo better than you! I have known him since he was little…!”
“But he loves me first…!” hissed Sean. “He even impregnates me and waiting for his baby to be born….! He must look for me now! And I don’t think he will turn to love you if he knows you are the cause of my death….!”
‘Shut the fuck up! You with your filthy mouth!” yelled Tang Wei.
“Stop it! It’s not the right time for you both to fight to get the shitake mushroom! He got erection already!”  cried Xingchen.
“You and your virgin soul! It’s contraction! How dare you say erection??” scolded Tang Wei.
‘’Oh… yeah. Hahaha…!” Xingchen chuckled awkwardly.
“Dumbass!” Tang Wei flicked his forehead.
“Oh! Fuck off! We need to find a place to deliver the baby! Let’s go!” said Xingchen.
Xingchen and Tang Wei escorted Sean who already has no strength to find a more comfortable place for him to give birth.
Sean couldn’t stop whine and groaned to the pain. The contraction was a real unbearable dying pain. He felt he was going to die by the pain. Now he knows how his sister struggled with the pain when she was going to give birth to A Jiang. But he saw she remained calm and didn’t make too much noise. She only walks back and forth then sits down when the pain came up again. He also didn’t hear her scream so loudly like the women who going to give birth naturally he saw on reality shows. She even still able to make herself a cup of hot tea.
“There!” cried Tang Wei.
They found a house, a hut to be specific. It made from the wooden logs and covered with the leaves from the tree’s branches. The leaves themselves had turned brown and died up. It seemed someone like hunters had built it for their shelter while hunting in the woods.
“Wait here! I’ll make sure there is no reptiles inside….!” Said Xingchen.
He left Sean looked after by Tang Wei while he check the hut out. Inside the hut was humid and warm. There was a piece of tarpaulin on the ground. It was dusty and humid, too. Xingchen flicked the tarpaulin to make sure there was no reptiles or insects underneath.
After he was sure it was safe, he waved his hand at Tang Wei to come and bring Sean in. He removed his  white long coat and spread it on the tarpaulin.
“Laid him here….” Said Xingchen.
Tang Wei followed his instruction.
“How does he gonna give birth? From his ass?” asked Tang Wei.
“We need to do C-section….!” Replied Xingchen.
“What? But…But how? We don’t have the equipment!” cried Tang Wei.
“I have this” Xingchen took out a small blade.
“What? How are you gonna to cut my belly with that??” cried Sean.
“We don’t have anesthetics to numb the pain, too!” Tang Wei agreed.
“Why are you so worry? Don’t you feel happy to see him in pain?” Xingchen scowled.
“Aiya! Just do it!” snarled Tang Wei.
Ximgchen started to undress Sean, until his belly exposed. He pulled Sean’s pants down, but Tang Wei suddenly caught his hands
“What are you doing?” asked Tang Wei.
“Undress him!” replied Yang Wei.
“Why do you need to remove his pants, too?”
“What are you thinking! I need to cut his belly untill his lower abdomen! Now get lost! I need to focus to help him deliver his baby! You’re only going to mess up with my job!”
Tang Wei glared at him. She moved back eventually and got out of the hut. She looked at the surroundings to check the security.
While  inside the hut, Sean started to grunt and hiss. He wanted to be as strong as his sister, hence he didn’t scream although he got an unbearable pain. He growled when he felt his stomach being twisted, and he could feel it until his throat.
“Hang on, Baby! Hold on!” Xingchen gave him his support .
“Why is it so pain? I don’t want to get pregnant anymore….!” Sean complained.
“It’s ok… It’s normal if you have a thought like that. You’ll feel relief after you see your baby and forget the pain….!” Said Xingchen.
“Forget it! I will never forget this pain. Fuck Yibo for impregnate me!” Sean cursed.
Xingchen chuckled. He rubbed Sean’s belly with his hands. Somehow, Sean felt Xingchen’s hands were sending him the warmth, and the pain a little bit lessen.
“What is you name?” asked Sean when he felt a little bit calm.
“Xingchen. Xiao Xingchen,” replied Xingchen.
“We have the same surname. My name is Sean Xiao….!” Sean chuckled. But then he hissed when the baby twisted his stomach again.
Xingchen stared at Sean’s face that squirmed, holding back the aches.
Tang Wei surely lost to you. You are the most beautiful Omega I’ve ever seen…. Xingchen thought.
His eyes suddenly changed. They are turned red.
“I’m sorry….” He muttered. Then he punched Sean on his face.
Sean immediately fell and unconscious.

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