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Ever since the encounter with Riley and Hisoka, the trio has been on their guard. The atmosphere was quiet. Too quiet for them.

Leorio decided to break the silence, "Six days have passed. Only one day left..."

"It's been four days since we ran into Hisoka, and we haven't seen anyone else," Kurapika stated.

[Y/N] thought for a moment before speaking up, "Do you want to head to the starting point? It's possible people already finished."

Kurapika shook his head, "No. We won't find anyone there. This phase is unique because you have to recover your tag if you lose it. On the other hand, you might have six points in tags right now, but that doesn't guarantee you'll have them when the phase ends. You can't finish it early. But it's worth a shot." Leorio looked at Kurapika in surprise, "Only one day remains. People who already have six points will be inclined to wait near the goal. I would do the same."

Leorio nodded, "Ok. Let's go.

The trio walked all the way back to the starting point and hid behind the bushes. As Kurapika stated, there aren't many people.

"Well? Anyone there?" Leorio asked.

"No one can be spotted easily," Kurapika responded.

"Perhaps we should split up to search after we decided on a time," [Y/N] suggested.

"And it'll go way faster with four people!" The trio turned around to see Gon jump down from a tree.


"I guess we all had the same idea. I've been watching from above, and several people are nearby." Gon said.

"Really? I see...We should search from above."

"That won't work. It's only possible if you have eyes as sharp as [Y/N]'s and Gon's." Kurapika reminded him.

"Speaking of [Y/N], here!" Gon took out a tag from his pocket and handed it over to [Y/N]. [Y/N] revealed the tag and gasped when she saw that it was Sommy's tag.

"Where did you get this?" She asked.

"Hisoka gave it to," Gon replied, casually.

"Hisoka did?" [Y/N] raised an eyebrow.

The young boy nodded, "He said that this tag belongs to you because you earned it. That night, he admired your courage and passion for protecting your friends."

[Y/N] glanced back at the tag before nodding. 'I'll have to repay him. Somehow...'

Kurapika turned to Gon, "Gon. Do you have tags you need?"

"Yeah, I guess..." He replied.

"Damn, so I'm the only one left without enough points," Leorio muttered.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now