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[Y/N]'s eyes snapped open, as she was breathing heavily, cold sweats form on her skin as she let out a deep sigh. 

'Another nightmare...'

She stood up from her spot and looked at the view in front of her eyes. It was an ocean, a beautiful ocean. A ghostly smile appeared on her lips but soon disappeared once a person beside her wakes up. It's a stranger and she has no intention of introducing herself. It's been 6/7 years since the destruction of her clan, all she does the rest of her life was train, train, and more training. She vowed to herself that day that she will kill the demons who massacred her clan. [Y/N] looked down at her katana in her hand, the only thing left from her family. This blade was only meant to kill the troupe that massacred her clan, and she would not use it on anyone else. [Y/N]'s attention was back to the sea as she realized that the ship had stopped on another island to pick up more applicants.

The reason [Y/N] was on the ship? Well, she wanted to take the Hunter's Exam to become stronger. [Y/N] had to admit that she felt lonely all these years. No one dared to take a step in her destroyed clan, believing it was haunted by vengeful spirits. [Y/N] scoffed at the thought, it wasn't the spirits that were vengeful, it was her. 

"Hey, my name is Gon. It's nice to meet you!"

[Y/N]'s thoughts were interrupted as she turned her head to meet a boy that is younger than her. [Y/N] didn't say anything but nodded in greetings, her [eye/color] eyes scanned his features. He has long spikey black green tipped hair and large hazel eyes. His outfit is a green jacket with reddish edges covering a black or white tanked top underneath, green shorts, and green laced boots.

Gon tilted his head to the left then spoke up, "Your not much of a talker, aren't ya?" [Y/N] nodded in reply.

If he's going to leave then leave. [Y/N] would rather be alone because that's how she's been, she's a lone wolf after all. But [Y/N] was quite surprised that Gon hasn't left her yet, he just kept on smiling at her. 

"Are you taking the exam as well?" Gon asked, [Y/N] only nodded again as Gon grinned cheekily. "So am I! I'm going to become the best Hunter in the world!"

[Y/N]'s [e/c] eyes softened at his words. 'Why...? Why is it about him that makes me relaxed..?'  She thought to herself.

"The best Hunter in the world?" One of them snorted.

"Kid, doesn't respect us." Another one scoffed.

"Every year, there are millions of skilled applicants for Hunter Exams. But only a handful are selected. Don't say stuff you can't back up, boy" The first man stated.

[Y/N] looked at Gon who just had a blank face. 'Something about him...is different.'  She thought.

She then heard noises down below her as she looked back just to see one of the crewmembers being bullied.

"What are you doing, Katsou? At this rate, you'll never make a decent sailor."

Gon walked down the stairs just as the captain of the ship burst out from his room.

"Hey losers!" They all stop as the captain stares threateningly. "Don't slack off!"

"A-Aye sir!" The bullies went back to work as Katsuo quickly picked up the stray apples on the floor.

"Hey..." Katsuo stopped as he looked at his captain fearfully, "Didn't you hear me? Move that box!" The captain ordered.

"A-Aye, captain!" Katsuo replied.

"Hold on." [Y/N]'s voice was emotionless and cold, but that doesn't stop her from being concerned. She picked the apple and placed it into the box. "Here."

"T-Thank you!" Katsuo chirped as he ran off to the basement as the young boy clad in green observed her with a calculated expression.

The boy suddenly grinned at her. "I knew it! I thought you were mute but you're not!"

[Y/N] just sweatdropped at him. 'What is that supposed to mean...?' She thought to herself. All of a sudden the wind changed. She stared at the clouds and nodded to herself. 'A storm is coming."

Gon's cheerful expression turned into a concerned and worried one. "There's going to be a storm." He murmured before taking off and running to the deck.

The captain who was outside stares at Gon in surprise. "How can you tell, boy?"

"That's what the seagulls are saying." Gon replied, pointing his finger at the seagulls that are flying above the ship.

"The wind has changed, too" [Y/N] added, making both of them turn to her. "There's a huge storm coming this way. Tell your crew members to get ready because there's no way to avoid the storm."

'Those eyes...could they be..' The captain observed Gon and [Y/N]. The captain analyzed Y/N's face but it was hard for him to read because she shows nothing but blank, but he could see the truth in her [e/c] eyes. 'This girl...' He looked deep into her eyes and widened in shock when those eyes reminded him of a clan. 'Those eyes could she be....?



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