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The car trip was an awkward silence. The blonde-haired boy would send worried glances at the [h/c] haired girl, who just stared at the front with a blank expression. Every time someone tries to strike up a conversation, [Y/N] would always end the conversation with one word and that's it. Basho gasped and exclaimed as they finally arrived at their destination. [Y/N]'s eyes slightly widened when she saw there were many cars in front of them. And not just that, broken bodies strays all over the ground. The man who appeared to be the enemy is tall and muscular. He has an unruly mane of grizzled hair, sideburns, long, thick eyebrows, and coarse hair on his shoulders, arms, and chest.

"That's enough!" A man from the mafia yelled, "Don't get too cocky, monster. This super-bazooka is strong enough to take out a tank. You'll be blown to smithereens!" He grinned, aiming his bazooka at him.

"How sad...You're comparing me to some little tank?" The enemy sneered.

[Y/N] used Gyo and she could see his white aura leaking all around his body.

'His aura...His an Enhancer, a very strong one in that.' [Y/N] thought.

"[Y/N], come on!" Kurapika grabbed her wrist and dragged her out of the car to see the battle more clearly.

"Die!" The mafia shot the missile at Uvogin and exploded. The mafia grinned victoriously but it was soon faltered as his face turned into pure shock and horror when the buff man just stood there like it was nothing.

"That kinda hurt..." He hissed. The mafia men let out terrified screams and ran for their lives. "None of you will escape!"

"It appears that the enemy can use Nen. And he's ridiculously strong." [Y/N] stated, using her sharp eyes to identify the situation far from the battlefield. She watches the buff man crash every single mafia with brute strength, but it looks like he was having fun with his killing spree.

"The advance force was obliterated. Guns are ineffective against him." Kurapika added, using the binocular to watch the scene.

"Impossible..." Dalzonelle muttered in disbelief

Kurapika handed over the binocular to Dalzonelle without glancing at him. "See for yourself. His aura is unbelievable. As is the number of corpses." He said.

Dalzonelle used the binoculars and muttered, "Who is that guy?"

"He's tearing through people like scraps of paper. We're supposed to capture him? I won't be part of that!" Squala exclaimed.

"I agree. I don't see how much we can win..." Basho agreed with Squala, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Indeed. However, we can not abandon our mission and back off." Dalzonelle said. "But..."

"Wait." Melody cut them off as they now turned their attention to her, "I suddenly hear an additional heartbeat come from somewhere..." She informed them, getting nervous.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now