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The scene: The blood, the screams, the corpses of her people, the feeling of loneliness, insecurity, and fear kept coming back to [Y/N] and even her dreams or rather nightmares. She was two when she lost her mother, the age of four when she lost her father, and now it's happening again. Only this time she lost the people of her clan, the ones who tried to reconnect with [Y/N], were now gone. She lost her father and mother, and now it's happening again but with her clan members.


It was the evening, where stood a village filled with people chatting with each other, just like any other day. Surrounding the village was a giant forest with a few ponds inside the forest. At one of the ponds was a girl of the age of ten. She was silently sitting there with a fishing rod in her hands, as she was trying to catch fish so that she could eat them later. On the left of the young girl sat her katana, ready to be used once she reels in a fish. She was also wearing a bag. Back at the village, a group named the Phantom Troupe destroyed everything in their path upon arriving. [Y/N]'s ears perked up when she heard the screams of terror, she immediately dropped everything, grabbed her katana, and started running where the noise was coming from. When [Y/N] arrived, the scene that she saw was horrifying.

There was blood, not just any blood, it was fresh blood. She was witnessing the slaughter of her clan. Some members of the clan tried to fight the bandits only to be instantly killed, the clan members were dropping like flies. [Y/N] wanted to move, she wanted to help, she wanted this scene to be only a nightmare, but that wasn't the case, this scene was real. Tears started to form in her eyes as they were now a beautiful dark blue.

'No! Not again! Please not again! I lost my mother and father, please just NO!' The young girl desperately thought.

Her eyes were filled with tears as she could only stand there watching the horrifying scene. [Y/N] stared one last time at the scene before gripping tight on her katana and ran with the biggest speed that she could have. [Y/N] didn't know where she was going, anywhere was fine, she just didn't want to meet again the devils that killed her clan. 
Meanwhile, the Phantom Troupe started plucking out the eyes of [Y/N]'s clan members, the eyes that were filled with a dark beautiful blue.

End of Flashback.



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