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'Those eyes...could they be..' The captain observed Gon.

[Y/N] sat in a corner, took out a fairly small book from her pocket, and started reading it.
When the storm raged, nearly everyone in the ship got seasick because of the violent sea waves crashing against the ship, except for Gon, [Y/N], a boy who looks the same age as her, and another man that looks way older than her.

The boy who looks like [Y/N]'s age has medium blonde hair with gentle brown eyes. He wears a blue tabard with red detailing and a white full-body training suit underneath. The other is a tall manly looking, fairly muscular young man with large brown eyes black hair, and a spiked crew cut. Despite his mature appearance, he is a teenager. He typically wears a dark blue business suit, black shoes, and a pair of tea shade glasses. [Y/N] simply continued reading her book until the captain called the four of them.

"Go down the line and tell me your names." The captain ordered

"I'm Gon!" The boisterous boy exclaimed.

"I am called Kurapika." The blonde boy said.

"Name's Leorio." The tall lanky one answered.

"I'm [Y/N]." [Y/N] introduced herself.

Now knowing all their names the captain hummed. "Good, good. Now tell me, why do you want to become hunters?"

Leorio interjected, pointing his accusing finger at the captain. "Hey! If you're not an examiner, you can't boss us around! So what's with the third degree!?" He shouted.

"Just answer the question!" The captain snapped.

Gon raised up his hand. "I will! Because my dad was a hunter! Being a hunter was the most important thing in the world to my dad! And I want to know why. That's why I left Whale Island."

'Whale Island...so this is Ging's son. The day has finally come.' The captain thought.

"I came here to get stronger. I was very young when my clan was attacked. I'll kill the thieves who destroyed my clan. I'll also retrieve the stolen fragments from my clan. " [Y/N] said coldly with hatred and a devilish tone as she gripped her katana. Although she didn't show it, rage enveloped her for a few seconds before fading away.

The captain looked at the katana in her hand and at the girl. 'I see...she's from the [L/N] clan.'

Kurapika stared at the girl in astonishment. 'This girl ... is like me.'

"Hey, kids!" Gon and [Y/N] turned their attention to Leorio. "You don't have to tell that guy nothin'!" Leorio scolded.

"But he asked why I'm here, it's not a secret!" Gon reasoned.

"Not a team player, huh? Get with the program! It's us versus him!" Leorio pressed his finger on Gon's forehead.

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Leorio. But why not dodge the question by giving him a plausible lie?" Kurapika stated.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now