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[Y/N] stepped out of the train and decided to go to the very poor-looking place. She stared at the poor-looking building before entering. Inside is a well-organized office with a woman behind the Counter, the Hunter Agency.

"Um...I'm here to take a job." [Y/N] spoke up.

The woman looked up at her and raises a brow in amusement, "I'm surprised that you manage to find this place, this place is much harder to find than you realize. You've found the agency, so you must be very sharp."

"Yes. Cereza told me where to go."

The woman narrowed her eyes, "Cereza, huh? I see...Then..." All of the sudden, [Y/N] saw a blue aura surround the woman, "You can see it, do you?" The h/c girl nodded.

The woman smirked, "Alright. What kind of employer are you seeking?" She asked.

"I'm looking for someone who has a lot of influence on the Yorknews auction. The nature of the job itself is irrelevant." [Y/N] replied.

"Yorknew City auction...Employers with a lot of influence generally post the most difficult jobs. I doubt any of them will hire a Hunter with zero experiences." The woman types in and smirks, "I see three of them...Three employers will decide based on the interview, rather than your record. And they're only looking for bodyguards. I'll give you descriptions, so make your choice. The first one is a gun fanatic. Specifically, he's looking for a Midget Corp. Goatsnake 55, Limited Edition, Series #001. The second one is a collector of fine china. Wants Lord Corp, commemorative plates from 1655 and 1657...The third one collects human trophies." That perked up [Y/N]'s interest, "Skin covered in snaking dragon tattoos, jellied infant skulls, etc. A fascinating hobby. Well, take your pick."

"I'll take option 3," [Y/N] responded.

"Yes. Then here is the address." The woman wrote the address and handed it to the girl. The girl took it and left the building without another world.

'September 1s in Yorknew city...That's where the Phantom Troupe'

Little did she know, she just passed a certain boy that she has a deep connection.

Time Skip

"Eh? What do you mean?" Kurapika asked, looking down at the woman.

"As I said, there's a girl who requested the same thing as you. She has h/c hair, e/c eyes but she just left the building without saying anything. But I got a pretty good idea of what she wants just by looking at her."

'E/c eyes...It couldn't be...' Kurapika thought to himself, "Umm...Did she have a katana with her?"

The woman blinked in surprise, "Yes, she has. You know her?"

'It's [Y/N]! I can't believe that I just went past her!' Without a second thought, he ran out of the building, ignoring the woman who was calling out to him. He looked back and forth, searching for any sign of his girlfriend, but the girl has already disappeared without a trace. '[Y/N]...Where are you...?'

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now