──── 𝙁𝙄𝙑𝙀

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Two Hours Later

Two hours have passed since the Hunter's Exam has started. Of course, applicants started to drop due to how far they've been running. Currently, [Y/N] is in the front, keeping a steady pace. She turned her attention to the back to see Leorio yelling at white hair boy who's riding a skateboard. Even though she couldn't hear, it didn't really matter.

"Hey, hey, Y/N!" [Y/N] let out a small hum, as Riley caught up to her, "This is fun ain't it? Huh? What's wrong with that guy?"

[Y/N] turned her glance at a chubby person already exhausted and starting to slow down his pace. "Don't know, don't care." She coldly stated.

Riley just chuckled at her response, "You're really cold, aren't you?" He paused before continuing, "Don't you think it's weird?" He asked, "It's been about four hours since the Hunter Exam began. He never slowed down his pace." He pointed out. [Y/N] simply stayed silent, "What about your friends, are you worried about them?"

[Y/N] was silent before speaking up, "I'm going to slow down, I rather not talk to you,"

"H-Hey! That was uncalled for! Plus, that hurts you know!" Riley shouted at [Y/N].

[Y/N] slows down to match up with her friends while Riley makes a noise, 'So she does have a soft spot...'

[Y/N] matches her pace with Kurapika, who's still running, asked, "Is there a problem, [Y/N]?

[Y/N] shook her head, "Came to check if one of you guys dropped out, it appears I'm wrong."

'That's harsh...at least she cares about us...' Kurapika thought.


[Y/N] looked behind her shoulder to notice Leorio slowing down his pace. "Leorio is slowing down," She informed her blonde companion.

Kurapika blinked in surprise as he turns his attention to the back to locate Leorio, but the applicants are blocking his sight. "Really? I don't see anything..."

[Y/N] paused for a moment before deciding to slow down her pace once more, "I'll check it out."

Kurapika just stares at where she went, 'She really does care.'

[Y/N] spotted Gon waiting for Leorio, besides Gon, was a white-haired boy.

"Hey let's forget him, there's no point." The white-haired stated, but Gon didn't move.

"Gon," [Y/N] spoke up, causing the white hair boy to be caught off-guard, "He'll come. Don't worry."

"Screw this! I'm going to become a Hunter!! Damn it all!!" Leorio yelled as he found a new strength to continue on. Gon fishes Leorio's briefcase, he then pulls it back as [Y/N] simply catches it.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now