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It's been two months and [Y/N] continues to train hard in Nen to prepare for Yorknew.

"Today, we will finally begin to train in Hatsu." Cereza started, "Once you master Hatsu, you will have learned the basic Nen principles. After that, you will need to work on developing your individual Nen style. I'm sure that I have shown you mine individual Nen before, right?" She finished.

"Yes. You can control the flowers, right?" [Y/N] asked.

Cereza smiled as she nodded, "Hatsu is the technique by which you control your Nen. It is the culmination of Nen, and there are six distinct categories. I've recalled what I've told you before but I'm going to explain it again. Enhancers are able to strengthen objects. Emitter can propel their aura. Transmuters can alter their aura's quality. Conjurers are able to manifest their aura. Manipulators can use their aura to control objects and creatures. Specialists are those with a special aura that doesn't fall within the other five classes. The key is to find the power that suits you."

"The power that suits you?" [Y/N] echoed.

"Nen is linked to individual ability, with two areas of particular prominence. The first would be your natural potential. The second would be potentially refined later in life. Your senses were the product when you were first born into this world and with all the training you spend in your childhood. From the moment of your birth, your Nen aura falls within one of the six categories. While rare, it is possible for your Nen aura to later change types. If you attempt to learn an ability that does not fit your inclination, you will find it very difficult."

Cereza draws a hexagon of Nen with six types of aura around it on the whiteboard, "This hexagon depicts the relationship among the six categories. The closer a class is to your own the higher your compatibility to learn it. If you are both with an aura of the Enhancer category, you will find Enhancerabilities easiest to learn and master. And the adjacent Emitter and Transmuter classes will also be easy to learn. On the other hand, the Specialist class, which is furthest away, would be difficult. To illustrate, I'll use skills that you've seen for yourself. Hisoka was able to change his aura into a rubbery substance, this would be the Transmuter ability. My ability was to manipulate the flowers' spores and anything related to them with my own aura, that would be the Manipulator ability, though it requires a great deal of work and natural talent to learn an incompatible ability."

"Oh, I see..."

"Well, do you see the importance of understanding your own auras and indications?" Cereza asked, smiling at her.

"Given that, is there any way to learn which category your aura falls into?" [Y/N] asked.

"There is," Cereza replied as she went into her kitchen, grabs a full cup of water and a leaf on top of the water, and placed it on the table in front of [Y/N]. "Water Divination, a Shingen-Ryu technique for classifying your own aura. It's also used in Hatsu training. You place your hands beside the cup and use Ren. The result will reveal your category." Cereza placed her hands beside the cup and uses Ren. The leaf suddenly floats about the surface.

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