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The twenty-six remaining applicants who passed the third phase took in the fresh air surrounding them.

"Congratulations on escaping Trick Tower everyone. All that remains now are the fourth phase and the final phase," Lippo informed all the applicants, "The Fourth Phase will take place over there," He pointed his thumb at the island behind him, "The Fourth Phase will take over there, on Zevil Island. Let us proceed," With a snap of his finger, an examiner comes with a wheeled table with a box on it.

"I will need you to draw lots," When asked why they needed to draw lots, Lippo answered, "Who you hunt and who hunts you. In this box are twenty-six numbered cards. In other, your ID numbers are on the cards. Now, each of you will draw a card in the order you exited the tower. Will the first person come forward?"

Hisoka smirked and Riley grinned, they both step out of the group and they drew out their card at the same time, then walked back to the group.

[Y/N] stared at the wound on Hisoka's shoulder and whispered over to Riley, "Hey..." Riley hummed as [Y/N] continued, "How did he get that wound?"

Riley smirked and replied, "He got that from competing against the former examiner last year,"

"So he died, the examiner?" Riley nodded as [Y/N] looked back at Hisoka.

One by one, the applicants drew out their cards until it was [Y/N]'s turn. She went to the box and drew out a card. Kurapika went next as he drew out his card, then turned to [Y/N], "I guess we'll have to fight each other, huh?"

[Y/N] nodded, "But don't worry though, I won't go easy on you," She said as Kurapika stares at her and nodded in response.

'I kinda wish I'm not her target...but...what if she's my target...what would I do then?' Kurapika thought to himself. Killua draws next, then Gon and finally Leorio.

"Everyone's taken a card?" No one answered, "Then, remove the seal from your card," All the applicants did what they were told and they revealed the number on their card. [Y/N] removed hers to reveal the number 198, one of the Amori brothers.

'This should be easy,'

"The card indicates your target. This box has recorded which card each of you drew. That means that you're free to dispose of the cards if you wish. The objective is to steal the ID card tag. Naturally, you're free to use any method you choose to steal the ID tags. Including you killing your target and taking the tag of the course. Listen carefully: collecting the ID badge of your specified target will earn you three points, understood? Your own badge is also worth three points and all other badges are worth one point. In order on to the final phase, you will have to collect six points, so during our time there on Zevil Island, gather enough badges to collect six points or fail the exam. Only those who do will clear the fourth phase of the Exam."

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now