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The group of four, [Y/N], Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio were staring out of a window, watching the beautiful view until Leorio broke the silence.


The trio turn their attention towards him, "I needed the three of you to do everything for me during the fourth phase. I promise I'll return the favor so..." He paused as he averted his gaze somewhere else, "Thanks.."

[Y/N] nodded while the other two smiled at him.

"I have an announcement for all applicants. The chairman wishes to interview the remaining applicants. When your number is called, please come to the first reception room on the second floor. We'll start with #406, [Y/N]." The speaker announced.

[Y/N] blinked in surprise, "I should go now. I'll be back." The others nodded as she made her way to the second floor. Entering the room she saw Netero waiting for her, legs crossed.

"Well, have a seat." [Y/N] nodded and sat down on the cushion across from Netero.

"Say, is this the final phase?" [Y/N] asked.

"It may be related...I'll just be asking a few questions to answer my curiosity," Netero responded as he picked up a brush and began asking his questions. "First, why do you want to become a hunter?"

"To become strong." Netero became intrigued by this answer, "I want to become strong to kill a certain group."

"Oh? May I ask which group?"

"I'm afraid I don't wish to answer that." Netero simply nodded and wrote down what she said.

"Then, I'll move on to the next question. Which of the ten applicants are you keeping an eye on?"

[Y/N] thought of a moment before answering, "#44, Hisoka, #45, Riley. #404, Kurapika and #405, Gon."

"Ah. Is there any reason why you're keeping an eye on them?"

"They're...interesting individuals to say."

"One last question. Which of the other ten applicants would you least want to fight.

"#403, #404, #405, and #99. I can't bring myself to fight my friends."

"Alright. You're excused." Netero said, dismissing the last statement as he smiled at the girl. [Y/N] nodded as she stood up from her spot, bows to him, and exited the room.

[Y/N] let out a small sigh and just as she was about to leave, she stops herself when she sees Hisoka.

"Oh my. If it isn't the little lady." Hisoka smiled at her innocently, but his eyes said otherwise.

[Y/N] simply bowed at him, "Thank you for helping me. I'll take my leave now." She walked past him but not before she heard him say,

"It wouldn't be fun if you weren't around. I would like to see some of your strength."

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now