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"Why did Killua fail?"

Menchi stayed silent for a brief moment then answered, "First let me fill you in on what happened after you were knocked out." [Y/N] nodded, "After you fell unconscious..."

The examiners were checking out on [Y/N]'s injuries as one of them carried her in bridal style towards the infirmary to bandage her injuries. Kurapika had to restrain himself from following her after watching [Y/N] get beat up helplessly by Riley.

Riley sighed as he rubs the back of his neck, "If [Y/N] fails then our fight will be meaningless..." His voice trailed off at the end.

"No worries. [Y/N] has passed the exam." Netero assured. Kurapika and Leorio sighed in relief.

"I see." Riley nodded as he walks back to Hisoka's side.

"So Riley let me win..?" [Y/N] murmured to herself.

"After that, the second match began. The second match was Gon vs Hanzo. Gon ended up winning after Hanzo surrendered. Next was Pokkle against Hanzo. Pokkle surrendered after being threatened with his life being taken. The fourth match was Kurapika vs Hisoka...After the two of them fought for a while, Hisoka whispered something to Kurapika and he surrenders, and Kurapika won."

"What did Hisoka say?" [Y/N] asked.

Menchi shook her head, "I don't know but Hisoka voluntarily conceded. The fifth patch pit was Hisoka against Bodoro. the match was extremely one-sided but Bodoro refused to give up. However, while Bodoro was lying on the ground, Hisoka whispered something in his ear and Bodoro surrendered.

The sixth match featured Pokkle and Riley, but Pokkle instantly surrendered because he doesn't want to fight him after seeing the battle against you and him. In the seventh match was Killua and Pokkle, but as soon as the fight began, the kid walked away. Confidently, he declared that he's interested to fight Pokkle, so Pokkle won. He must have felt that he could win his next match. However... Leorio requested that the eight-match be postponed while Bodoro recovered from his injuries. So Killua and Gittarackur fought first..."


Killua stares at the man and cautiously approached him, "It's been too long, Kil." Killua went frozen as his eyes widened.

The man reached out for the needles that were impaled in his face and removed them. His face suddenly morphs into an expressionless face. He now has very long jet black hair, and very large dark eyes.

Killua's body was frozen in pure terror, "Brother..."

"Hey." Killua's brother, Illumi, greeted casually.

"Killua's brother?" Muttured in disbelief.

"He used those needles to change his face?!" Kurapika exclaimed.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now