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[Y/N] stared off at the window, her eyes softened when she watched many drops of rain land on the window and roll down. 'It's still raining...'

Leorio and [Y/N] heard footsteps as they turned and saw Kurapika walking towards them, "How did it go?"Leorio asked as he stood up from his seat.

"I couldn't get a straight answer. The community didn't have any updates regarding the auction today."Kurapika said.

[Y/N] narrowed her eyes at him as Leorio exclaimed, "You should tell them that the Troupe is still alive! Then the Mafia might rethink it."

Kurapika shook his head, "No, nothing will change. The community valued its relationship with MeteorCity. It's safe to assume that they will not attack the Troupe further."


"But that wasn't the information I wanted. My only concern is whether the auction will proceed as scheduled..."

"You're not planning to intercept them, are you?" [Y/N] finally spoke up, drawing their attention to her.

"That's crazy! How could you confront them without the Mafia's support?" Leorio questioned.

He really wanted to know why Kurapika would go to this extent just to kill the Troupe once and for all. Sure they are thieves and serial killers, they have taken so many innocent lives... But with Kurapika and [Y/N] working together like always, they may still not be able to defeat them.

"You have it wrong, Leorio. I never had any help from the Mafia." Kurapika replied.

"Kurapika, [Y/N], let us help." They all now turned their heads to Killua and Gon who just entered, "We're willing to do anything."

Killua stares at him then Kurapika, 'Turn him down...' He mentally begged.

[Y/N] stood beside Kurapika as they stared at each other and nodded like they just had a silent conversation.

"The reward was rescinded," [Y/N] said.

"I know. I want to stop the Phantom Troupe. That hasn't changed."

'Turn him down...Turn him down!' Killua begged even more.

"You'd be risking your lives."

'Come on, that's what he wants to hear!'

Kurapika and Gon stared at each other before he spoke up, "Ok, let's put a plan together." Gon nodded in response.

'He agreed?!'

The group of five takes a seat at the table. Kurapika sits beside [Y/N] with Leorio beside her, "First, we'll need someone to watch their base, and to update." [Y/N] said, forming up a plan with them.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now