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[Y/N] let out a yawn as she kicked another applicant that she didn't bother to remember.

"Thanks for the tag," [Y/N] said to the unconscious woman and walked away. Now, [Y/N] has 5 points and just needs one more to pass this phase.

She leaps on a tree branch and looks around, trying to look for one more applicant. [Y/N] had been on this island for two days, and throughout that time she could sense that someone was following her. [Y/N] knew who this person was.


Riley was stalking [Y/N] day and night. He must have gotten his three points and now he just needs [Y/N]'s tag. [Y/N] keeps jumping from tree to tree, trying to throw off Riley as fast as she could.


Many hours passed by and [Y/N] still hasn't been able to shake Riley off. [Y/N] guessed that he must have a plan by now.

Or he's just being plain stupid.

With a heavy sigh, [Y/N] turned around to face the boy, "You can come out, Riley."

Riley steps out behind a tree, grinning at her, "Well, it looks like I was found."

"Why didn't you make your move sooner? Like the time when I was asleep, you could have used that chance to take my tag away," [Y/N] questioned the boy.

Riley shrugged, "I didn't want to. I guess you wouldn't put much of a fight..." Then he grinned mischievously, "Plus you looked cute when you were sleeping!" He squealed.

[Y/N] felt her face go hot by that statement and hissed at him, "Shut up,"

Riley being Riley, decided to tease her more, "But it's true! You're snoring and your sleeping face looks cute!"

[Y/N] felt her eyebrow twitch and growled, "Will you be quiet?"

Riley pouted, "Alright, alright, I'll stop but..." His face changed to a serious one, "When are you going to draw your blade?"


"Well, I took notice that you keep that Sheathed Sword Style to fight against other applicants. So I'm guessing..." A sinister smirk can be seen on his face as he continued, "Are you perhaps scared? Are you scared of using your katana that you specifically brought to this exam?" [Y/N] gritted her teeth, trying her best to remain calm as Riley continued, "Or is it that you don't have the guts to use it?"

Something inside [Y/N] snapped when she heard that. [Y/N]'s eyes flashed multiple shades of blue before going back to their original color. With a battle cry, [Y/N] drew her katana blade and aimed at Riley.

Riley smirked as he pulls out his tarot cards, 'Alright, this is it! It looks like she can't stay calm all the time!' Riley thought with delight.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now