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Kurapika has defeated Majitina, meaning another win for [Y/N] and her group signifying they could move to finish the third phase.


"Hey..." Killua spoke, causing everyone to turn their attention to the white-haired boy, "[Y/N], Gon, and Kurapika all won their matches. That means we have three points,"

"Hey..! You're right! Oi, we get to move on!" Leorio yelled to the prisoner's side.

"Yeah! [Y/N], Kurapika and I won our matches!" Gon exclaimed.

"Actually, you didn't." A prisoner, who sounded like a female, spoke up.


"His match hasn't been settled,"

"The match hasn't been settled? What do you mean?"

"He's still alive, he was only knocked out."

Leorio made a "tsk" sound then turned to Kurapika. "Hey, Kurapika! Go finish off that worthless trash!" He demanded.

"I refuse," The blonde bluntly stated.

"Huh!? Why?!"

"The fight is over. He already lost his will to fight when I punched him. I will not fight someone who lost,"

With that, Leorio made his way to Kurapika and questioned him with frustration. Kurapika, who was still displaying his collected demeanor, decided that it would be Majitani's choice once he woke up.

"Hey," Killua spoke up, "I can kill him if you don't want to. You've never killed anyone before, have you? Are you scared?"

"I have never considered whether murder is frightening. But this is a one-on-one battle. You aren't permitted to interfere." Kurapika reminded.

Killua backed off, but not without calling Kurapika's behavior selfish. Leorio declared a vote of majority rule, but nothing happened. Gon thought aloud by saying that the examiners were the only ones who could decide the majority votes. Leorio then announced a physical vote, but no one agreed.

Irritated, [Y/N] spoke up, "Don't force the issue. You can't expect everybody to share the same opinion, Leorio." Leorio clenched his jaw before going into a corner to temporarily sulk.


The group waited for a while, patiently waiting for Majitani to wake up. Killua approached Leorio saying that the prisoner seemed dead already. The group goes over to the edge to check the body but they couldn't see it clearly. Leorio called to the remaining prisoners to check Majitani's body. The woman from before suggested wagering on whether Majitani was dead or alive, using time as their currency. The match would be declared over once their clocks reaches zero. Leorio accepted the trial. Leroute gave Leorio the choice of how many hours to bet that Majtani was still alive. Leorio chose the bare minimum of ten hours. Leorio made his way to the platform. He flipped over Majitani's body, placed two fingers on his neck, and found a pulse. Leorio then proposed the bet of whether or not the prisoner was actually unconscious. Despite being cloaked, the woman was surprised by Leorio being able to see through Majtani's disguise.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now