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Cereza's lecture reached its end but even then [Y/N] has a long way to go to master Nen.

"Nen is a power that dwells within every person. However, at present, only a few are capable of using that power. Thus, they are treated as geniuses, leaders, psychics, mystics, or superhuman." Cereza explained in a serious tone.

"A power that dwells within everyone..." [Y/N] muttered.

Cereza nodded, "Yes. And there are two means by which to awaken the power" She held up two fingers. "The deliberate way and the aggressive way. I went underneath the deliberate method, I was a quick learner so I was able to master Ten in a short amount of time. In about a year."

[Y/N]'s eyes widened and protested, "That's too long! I have to be in Yorknew City in less than half a year! I need to learn Nen before I can go back to Yorknew City."

"Then you have to learn aggressively."

"Will it be fast enough?"

"That actually depends on you. Can you learn to hold your aura within your body, before time runs out? That is the key." Cereza holds out her hand to [Y/N], "I will now direct my aura to you. This is known as Hatsu, which I demonstrated earlier. Of course, I have to restrain myself, since my objective is not to destroy your body. However, this way is still perilous. In other words, I will attempt to shock you into awakening. I will give your sleeping body a jolt, so you can learn Ten more easily. I say that your body sleeps because your body's openings or micropyles are closed, meaning that your aura is stunted. Therefore, I will send my aura into your body to open your micropyles. Under normal circumstances, you would spend a long time meditating and discovering your own auras, while slowly opening those apertures. Even I required three months. However, you could do it in a week. Or even sooner."

[Y/N]'s eyes widened at her words as the woman continued, "Which is why I find it unfortunate that we have such little time to work with."

[Y/N] closes her eyes before opening them again, "I understand. The faster the better."

"This is a shady, highly frowned upon method. You will be ignoring the correct procedure. If the person using this method were weak or evil."

"But you aren't weak, you aren't evil. Right?" [Y/N] asked. Cereza let out a small sigh.

"But I wanted to know...Why would you suddenly decide to teach me the true four major principles?" [Y/N] inquired.

"Because I did not want to squander this opportunity." Cereza answered, "You're an L/N clan member. I wanted to teach you this important ability or not you would suffer greatly. In this world, mostly half of the percent of the world knows how to use Nen. And they have a special greeting for any newcomer ignorant of Nen, a Nen attack. In other words, they do what I am about to do, but without restraint. They don't care if people die...Only those who survive are allowed to pass, they are the chosen..."

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now