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[Y/N] and Kurapika finally arrived at the hotel. The group sat around in a circle discussing what should they do next. They hesitantly agreed to report the news to their boss, Neon. The group was caught off guard when she was worried about the merchandise instead of the deceased bodyguards. Neon insisted to call her father and after everyone voted on who should be the leader, Kurapika was the one who voted to be the leader. He made the call and was informed that Neon's father would be coming arriving tomorrow evening and will do his best to persuade Neon.

Both [Y/N] and Kurapika were now standing inside a room, waiting for what to do next. Just then, the door opened revealing Uvogin with a scowl on his face.

"Only the two of you? I'm impressed. Where do you want to die?" Uvogin asked, "I'll humor any request."

Kurapika's phone started to ring but he didn't answer, since they were too busying staring at Uvogin.

Kurapika holds [Y/N]'s hand and answered for both of them, "We'd prefer a deserted wasteland, with no one nearby. Since we'll have you screams at the top of your lungs."

The three move to a deserted wasteland where the tension increases.

"Sorry about the wait. I've got a question for you." Uvogin steps forward as he continued to ask, "Who are you? You both are no ordinary Nen users. I can sense a special intent behind your Nen." Uvogin stated.

"Before we can answer your question, I need you to tell me something." Kurapika took off his blue garments, revealing his training clothes underneath them. "Do you remember the people you've killed?"

"A little. I can remember the people who made an impression. So you both want revenge? Who are you trying to avenge?" Uvogin asked, intrigued.

"The Kurta."

"The L/N."

Uvogin raised a brow at Kurapika, "Never heard of Kurta nor [L/N],"

"A small clan, with Scarlet Eyes, that lived in the Lukso Province. Five years ago, you attacked us." Kurapika stated.

[Y/N] added, "L/N clan? It doesn't ring anything? A small clan with bright blue eyes that could fill their entire eyes."

"Scarlet Eyes? What's that? The name of a treasure? Sorry, doesn't ring a bell...But five years ago, I was definitely a member."

[Y/N] glared at him as they both walked towards him in perfect sync, "When you kill a completely innocent bystander, what are you people thinking? What do you feel?"

"Nothing at all," Uvogin replied bluntly.

Kurapika glared at him and growled, "Scum!" Uvogin could see [Y/N]'s aura and Kurapika's aura leaking out of their bodies uncontrollably.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now