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[Y/N] fluttered her eyes open. She could hear the birds chirping outside, the sunlight was shining through the window illuminating the darkroom. She let out a sigh and cuddled closer, feeling a pair of arms hold her tighter.

Wait, arms?

She opened up her eyes slowly to see a familiar man lying next to her, holding her protectively to himself. It was then she realized it was her boyfriend and smiled.

He must have sneaked into her bedroom when she was asleep. [Y/N] didn't expect him to be so clingy at night.

Kurapika opened his eyes, smiled at [Y/N], and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, "Good morning, [Y/N]." He greeted, letting out a soft yawn.

"Good morning." [Y/N] greeted back with a small smile. "Have a pleasant slumber on my bed?" She asked.

Kurapika's face instantly flushed when he remembered that he snuck into her room just to sleep with her.

He smiled sheepishly and replied, "Yeah, I did. Sorry, [Y/N]."

"It's fine, Kurapika." She let out another small sigh. "But we better get going now or we're going to be late."

Kurapika nodded as they both got off her bed but not before Kurapika places a loving kiss on her lips before leaving the room. "That Kurapika..." [Y/N] felt herself smiling. She changed back to her clothes and walked outside of her room, locking the door behind her.

"Hey, [Y/N]." The girl turns around and sees her boyfriend already in his clothes, "Let's walk there together."

[Y/N] nodded and the couple walked towards their destination side by side. The blonde-haired boy grabbed her hand gently and intertwined their fingers together. The small action caused [Y/N] to feel flustered. Kurapika noticed and he smiled at her.

"We're here." She snapped out of her daze as Kurapika opens up the door for her and motioned for her to get in first. [Y/N] nodded at him and entered the room, Kurapika following her from behind. He closed the door waited for a few moments before everyone finally arrived. With that, they now turn their attention to Dalzonelle who was in front of them.

"Tonight, at 9 pm, the mummy of Princess Corco will be auctioned off. Ivlenkov, [Y/N], Tocino, and Baise, you'll handle the bidding." Dalzonelle instructed.

"Will four be enough?" Basho asked, shoving his hands into his pocket.

"Each group of bidders is limited to three or four people. You cannot bring weapons, recorders, or communication devices. All on-site security is handled that runs the auction, so there's rarely any trouble. All it takes is one wrong move to turn every Mafia member worldwide, against you. This auction is built on trust, which is why Mafia don't use security cameras. The unspoken rule is that any grudges and the like are left outside. This means that if anything does happen, their testimony will decide everything. Their words are treated as gospel. So it's imperative to make a good impression. Don't start any petty fights. Avoid talking to anything outside this group." Dalzonelle further explained.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now