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After walking down the route where it leads the group of four to the Zoldyck mansion they spotted a girl standing in front of them.

The group came to a stop when the girl spoke.

"Leave. You're trespassing on private property. I cannot allow you to pass without permission."

"We called ahead. And we came through the testing gate." Gon stated.

"The butlers did not give you permission to enter." The girl responded.

"What do we need to do to get permission?" [Y/N] asked.

"I wouldn't know. Because no one has ever received permission."

"Then we'll have to trespass!" Gon exclaimed.

"I suppose so. In any case. this is where I draw the line." The girl drew a line with her long staff in front of her. "If you take one step beyond this line, I'll remove you by force."

Kurapika, Leorio, and [Y/N] were about to prepare their attacks until Gon stretched his hand out, telling them to stop.

Gon slowly approached the girl as she carefully watches him. When Gon passed the line, she bashes Gon's head with her staff, causing Gon to fly backward.

That provoked the trio, causing them to draw their weapons out.

"[Y/N]! Leorio! Kurapika!" The three of them glance back at Gon, blood was dripping down from his nose and onto the ground. "Don't interrupt me. Let me handle this." He wiped the blood off his face. "We don't intend to fight you. We just want to see Killua.

"It doesn't matter what you're motives are. I'm simply following my orders."

Gon removes his bags then gets back up and approaches the girl only to get smashed in the face.


And again.

And again.

This continues for an unknown amount of time. Kurapika, Leorio, and [Y/N] watch, wanting to help Gon from being beaten up. After a few more minutes of Gon being hit the unknown girl has seemed to get incredibly frustrated.

"Cut it out! Don't you realize how futile this is?!" She turns to Gon's friend, "Why don't you stop him? Aren't you his friends?" She slowly trailed off when she saw the looks on their faces.

"What's the problem? I'm just here to see my friend. I'm just here to see Killua! Why do I have to do this?!" Gon exclaimed while throwing a punch at her making her jump backward, destroying the fence beside her.

"Hey?" The girl's body tenses as he continued, "I crossed the line." He pointed out as the unknown girl looks down at Gon's feet, to see that he did. "Aren't you supposed to hit me?" Gon asked.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now