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The ability to build up a shroud of Nen aura. You can make your body harder, and considerably show the effects of aging. Zetsu. A technique that nullifies your Nen aura. It is effective for concealing your presence and recovering from extreme fatigue.


A technique that nullifies your Nen aura. It is effective for concealing your presence and recovering from extreme fatigue.


A technique to create an especially strong Nen aura. This ability is crucial for increasing your power.


The release of your Nen aura, after boosting via Nen.

These four elements are known as the four major principles and are critical to the mastery of Nen. After two months, [Y/N] was doing her best to master the ability called Nen. Cereza has summoned [Y/N] to see her.

After Cereza praised [Y/N] for improving in learning Nen she went on stating that she would be using Ten on [Y/N]. All [Y/N] could do is shakily nodded. She could still remember the coldness that washed all over her body. [Y/N] takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, visualizing herself floating in the air, a calm and peaceful area.

[Y/N] opened her eyes with a small smile, "I did it, sensei."

Cereza stretched out her hand to [Y/N] as she concentrated on Ten, then uses Hatsu. She took a step forward, surprising Cereza as her eyes widened in surprise. [Y/N] kept walking towards Cereza slowly, deflecting the hostile Nen away from her.

Cereza smiled at her, 'You've grown so much...Good for you.' She canceled her aura out. "Nice job, [Y/N]."

[Y/N] let out a sigh in relief and nodded, "Thank you." She looked down at her hands in amazement. 'Did I really just accomplish that? It took me two months to achieve it...? This is taking way too long...I still have two more months left...I have to learn my own Nen as fast as I could.'

"Oh right, a good friend of mine has sent me a video for you. It seems he's teaching three kids about it." Cereza said as she pulled out a disc from her bag.

"Friend?" [Y/N] echoed, blinking at her.

"It's a fight between Kastro vs Hisoka." [Y/N]'s eyes widened at the name of Hisoka, "Do you want to watch?" She asked.

Cereza turned on the television and put the disc into the blu-ray, and there it was...Hisoka somehow ripped out his arm with a cloth covering his ripped arm then threw it into mid-air but Cereza paused the video and turned to [Y/N].

"That's his Nen." She said, staring down at the stunned girl. "Can you see the threads of aura extending from his left hand?"

[Y/N] narrowed her eyes to see it clearly and let out a silent gasp. She could barely see the threads from Hisoka's left hand into those cards. It looked like spider webs to her. "I can see it...it's faint but I can see." She mumbled.

Cereza started to explain how Hisoka's technique worked. She went on about how Hisoka used his technique to make it difficult for his aura to be perceived. Cereza was also surprised [Y/N] that was able to see the threads of aura. After all, it is a high-level application of Zetsu, which is also known as In. Once her explanation was over Cereza showed [Y/N], Ren. Cereza explained that by channeling the user's power through Gyo, they can achieve a level where they could see through Hisoka'sIn. She added that with enough training, the user would be able to use Gyo while fighting.

"It's important that you first identify your own strength," Cereza stated.

'Strengths, huh...' [Y/N] thought to herself

"You've only just begun to develop, you haven't settled on one form yet. Initially, you try to grow as much as you can. That is the purpose of this training. Train hard, play hard, and enjoy life." Cereza smiled as she placed her hand on [Y/N]'s shoulder. "You must learn Gyo for your future battles."

"Yes, sensei."

"Shall we start now?"


-Time skip-

Cereza explained to [Y/N] that she needed to visualize the energy that builds up in her body, she was surprised to see [Y/N] learn quickly. If Cereza's being honest to herself, she's a bit jealous that [Y/N] picked up Nen at a fast pace.

Well, once Cereza dismissed [Y/N] from improving on her Nen for the day, Cereza smiled brightly and insisted on going to the nearest shopping district, causing [Y/N] to look at her with a deadpan expression.

"Why shopping? Why now?" [Y/N] questioned.

"Well, having fun is also part of the training." Cereza chirped.

"Says who?"

"Says me!" Cereza seemed really eager to go shopping with her. [Y/N] let out a sigh and nod, making the woman squeal in delight. She immediately grabbed her wrist and started dragging her all the way to the shopping district. [Y/N] will never admit it...but she never thought this...could be fun. She spent all the time trying out new clothes for Cereza and bought some that suit her really well.

"Try this for me!" Cereza held up a lolita gothic dress to her.

But even then, this is kinda...too much for the h/c haired girl. After all the shopping they've done, they decided to take a break at a nearby café.

Cereza takes a sip on her coffee and smiles, "This sure feels nice."

But it was exhausting for [Y/N]. She was dragged everywhere and had to try out every piece of clothing that Cereza suggested. [Y/N] looked out of the window, watching people pass by her.

'For some reason...Not training every day is pretty tough...' She silently chuckled to herself when she remembered the days that she and the other female members had to train their own combat style every day, and when [Y/N] did great her parents would always praise her.

Once they finished, they returned back to Cereza's house, and [Y/N] was extremely exhausted. The moment the h/c haired stepped into the house she went over to the nearest bed and passed out.



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