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[Y/N] removes the sheath of her katana and went into a fighting stance. Riley smirked as he took out his throwing knives, "Don't hold back alright?"

"If you insist on it," [Y/N] replied.

They had one final stare before Riley made the first move by throwing his knives and tarot cards at her. She deflected the attacks, charged towards him, and tries to land a hit on him with her katana. Riley ducked under and drove his fist to her gut but she quickly jumped back. She pulled over his shoulder and slammed him into the ground.

The room fell into silence, watching the fight with excitement and interest. Riley brought his arms back and thrusts them forward hoping to knock [Y/N] out. To his surprise, [Y/N] grabs a hold of his fist, and pulls him towards her, throwing him off balance. He quickly got back on his feet and takes out six knives, each one between his fingers.

Both of them ran at each other and start lashing out at each other. Their movements were too fast that even the candidates excluding, Hisoka, Gittarackur, and Killua couldn't keep up.

"W-What is going on!? I can't even see!" Leorio exclaimed, shock.

Riley pulled out another three cards and threw them. [Y/N] let two of them fly by, caught the third one, and threw it back at Riley, who easily dodged it. They both ran at each other again and began to lash out once more.

Netero chuckled as he watches the battle in amusement, "This is an interesting showdown."

Menchi could only stare at him like he was crazy, then back at the battle, 'Those two are just kids...how strong are they?!'

All of a sudden, [Y/N] receives a powerful headbutt from Riley, catching her off guard. Riley grabs a hold of [Y/N] and flips her over. Clicking her tongue in annoyance, she regained her balance and clenched her katana closer to her.

Once again, they ran at each other and started delivering punches to each other. This continued for a good 15 minutes. They both stood there, panting and breathing heavily.

"I'm impressed, I'm truly am. I'm surprised that you can keep up with me, [Y/N]. But I wonder if you can keep up with this!" Riley smirked before dissolving into the ground, shocking everyone.

"H-He disappeared!" Pokkle gasped in shock.

"W-What did he just do!?" Leorio asked.

'What the hell?!' [Y/N] thought, frantically looking around her surroundings.

Satotz narrows his eyes as he turned to Netero, "Is that..."

Netero nodded and replied, "Yes, that is what you think it is. That is Nen. It appears that he has the ability to teleport himself. Very interesting."

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now