──── 𝙉𝙄𝙉𝙀

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Dawn breaks as the airship that's carrying the applicants approach its destination. [Y/N] yawned as she snuggled closer to the warmth next to her.

"This is warm...what is this?' [Y/N] thought and snuggled closer. She then placed her chin on the shoulder-

Wait a second...


[Y/N] opened her eyes and was greeted with an incredibly close face, more precisely, Kurapika's face. The blonde's face was incredibly red and Leorio noticed this, so tried his best to hold in his laughter. [Y/N] immediately removed her chin from his shoulder.

"I'm sorry..." [Y/N] apologized.

"I-It's fine. You were asleep so I didn't want to wake you up," Kurapika reassured her.

Thankfully the awkward moment was interrupted by Bean as he made an announcement through the intercom, "I sincerely apologize for the long wait. The airship will be arriving at its destination shortly."

[Y/N] got up from her spot and walked over to the door, opening it she was greeted by the blinding light. After her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she looked out the window.

There was a tall, narrow tower located on top of a cylindrical-shaped landmass. 'Trick Tower...' [Y/N] thought.

The airship finally landed on top of the tower, the applicants got out of the ship and looked around.

"Ahem," Bean cleared his throat, getting the attention of everyone, "The Third Phase of the Exam will start here. To pass you must reach the base of the tower in 72 hours alive. With that, we will now begin the Third Phase. I pray for your success. Best of luck to everyone!" With that, Beans went back inside the ship, the aircraft disappearing from everyone's view.

[Y/N] went over to the edge of the tower and took a peak, Gon does the same and stares at the height in amazement.

"Are we supposed to climb down?" Leorio asked warily, clutching onto his briefcase for protection even though it wouldn't do anything.

"That would be suicide," Kurapika replied.

One of the applications chuckled behind them as they turned their attention to the man, "Maybe for a normal person. But a top-class climber can handle no problem," He then started to climb down the tower.


"He's going pretty fast," Gon said.

"It's a death wish," [Y/N] plainly stated, confusing the others.

"Why would you say that?" Kurapika questioned.

[Y/N] pointed her finger at the animal that was flying in the sky, "Look," They all turned their attention to the six-legged creature swooping down and eating the man, much to their horror.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now