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Pokunoda finally meets Kurapika, [Y/N], and Melody in an airship. Chrollow has chained up as [Y/N] grabs the handle of her sword tightly.

"Now, for verification...Are you Pokunoda, from the Troupe?" Kurapika asked.

"Of course." The woman replied.

Kurapika's red eyes glanced at Melody as she nodded, "She's telling the truth."

The blonde-haired boy looked back at the woman, "I will present each of you with two conditions. If you abide by them, I will release your leader." Kurapika brought out his Judgement Chain and held it towards Pakunoda.

Chrollo glanced at [Y/N] then at Kurapika, 'Pay attention, Pokunoda. He's more concerned about his friends than killing me for his vengeance. That is the chain user's weakness!'

"I'll begin with the leader. First, you are forbidden to use Nen. Second..." Kurapika stopped as words stuck in his throat, he clicked his tongue. 'Am I certain about this? If I eliminate the boss, the spider will fall apart. That was the whole idea. But...'

"I have no value as a hostage."

"Everything he says is true."

'But the spider can move, even without ahead. The leader isn't absolute. If necessary, the group is willing to abandon its leader. That is the nature of the Phantom Troupe. I can disable their leader, but that won't cripple the Troupe! However, is there any alternative? Is there some kind of miracle that can get me out of this hind!? There isn't...I can think of nothing...'

[Y/N] noticed the troubled look on his face as she finally spoke up for him, "Second...You may not contact any member of the Troupe. Those are the two conditions. And to make certain that you adhere to them, and to make certain that you adhere to them, my partner will use his Judgement Chain, the Arbiter LittleFinger, on your leader. You decide if this is acceptable, Pokunoda."

Kurapika glanced at his girlfriend with wide eyes, 'Y.N...Yes, that is right. I have to get Gon and Killua out of there...I can lose any more friends!' His eyes narrowed in determination as they all now stared at the woman for her final answer.


Kurapika then impaled the Judgement Chain into Chrollo's chest and wrapped it around his heart. "You're next, Pokunoda." Kurapika brought out another of his Judgement Chain and said, "First, release Gon and Killua unharmed, before midnight, without any tricks. Second, you may not speak a single word about us. If you do not have objections, I will use my chain on you."


With that, Kurapika impales his Judgement Chain into her chest and wraps it around her heart to seal the deal.

[Y/N] leaned towards Melody and whispered, "If Gon and Killua were being controlled by a Manipulator, could you tell from their heartbeats?"

"It's certainly possible. I've met Killua, and I know how his normal heartbeats sound. So I could tell if anything had changed." Melody whispered back.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now