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‎[Y/N] leaned herself against the hall, bringing her leg into her chest as she stared at the outside world through the window. She could still remember it so clearly... Uvogin's blood, Kurapika's rage. She let out a small sigh as she look up at the blue sky, her heart started to beat as she narrowed her eyes warily. ‎‎ 'I got a bad feeling about this...' ‎

"[Y/N]." The girl turned her head and spotted Kurapika standing at her doorway. "We're having a meeting. Our boss's father has finally arrived."

[Y/N] nodded and got up from her spot, "All right. Let's go."

Kurapika outstretches his hand to her and smiled. "Milady."

[Y/N] could only raise a brow at her in amusement as she accepted his hand and linked their hands together. The couple walked towards their meeting place as everyone has gathered there, even Neon and her father are there as well. So Kurapika started explained everything to him and he absorbed every word he said.

"I see. Now I understand what happened. It was wise to switch rooms. The Phantom Troupe is definitely using the Pro Hunter website. If you'd moved any later, Neon might have been in danger. I'm grateful. Looking ahead, the first step is to get my daughter home." The father turned to Neon, "Is that ok, Neon?" He asked.

Neon only looked down in disappointment, "Well, I don't have a choice. The auction was canceled, so I don't have any reason to stay. I really wanted to go..." She sighed deeply.

Her father stood up and said, "They'll hold another auction next year. Cheer up. And I promise I'llrecover the items you wanted from those bandits"

Neon's face lit up and she asked, "Really?"

"Yes, I promise. Have I ever broken a promise?" her father questioned, placing his hand on his chest.

"Have you ever kept a promise?" Neon retorted.

Her father chuckled, "You make a good point..."

[Y/N] checked the others and noticed that some of them were annoyed, or they just find it plain weird.

Then he looks up at Melody, Basho, "I believe your names are Melody and Basho?" he questioned.


"You'll take Neon back to the house immediately. To be on the safe side, use simple disguises." They nodded.

"Ok, Neon. Return to your room and pack."

"Ok." Neon ran out of the room.

Neon's father sighed as he took out a cigarette from a box and lit it up, "All right, let's get down to our real business. The auction will resume tonight. The time and location haven't changed. The community must demonstrate that they will not allow anyone to intimidate them. The Ten Dons have vowed to recover the stolen merchandise."

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now