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Zaban City.

The group of four arrived at Zaban City. People were selling things to anyone that was passing by. Unfortunately, Gon's attention was taken by multiple vendors. [Y/N] would sometimes glance back at Gon, making sure the young boy didn't get lost.

"You know Zebran is quite a shady place," Leorio mumbled, looking around.

"Prosperous cities tend to attract all sorts of nasty people," Kurapika stated.

'"Gon. Are you liste-" [Y/N] looked behind her, only to witness Gon staring at an item in awe. She simply sighed deeply.

"What are you doing, Gon? We're going!" Leorio called out to the boy.

"Right!" Gon then rushed over to them as the navigator had led them to an area that looks like a town center.

"If I'm correct it's this building right here." The navigator said, pointing to an innocent-looking restaurant. [Y/N] turned to the others only to see the three of them staring at a huge building beside them in awe. [Y/N] simply stared at them.

"It's so tall! They have a really nice building!" Gon exclaimed. [Y/N] just had a deadpan expression.

"So this is the exam site...This is what draws..." Leorio trailed off at the end.

"Hunter applicants from across the world." Kurapika finished the line, feeling the determination burn inside him.

"My first shot at the Hunter Exam...Was this how dad felt, when he arrived first?" Gon thought aloud, looking at the building.

"What are they doing?" The navigator asked, and [Y/N] just shrugged. "Hey, guys!!" The males turned around as the navigator pointed his finger at the restaurant, "Here!" The males follow where he was pointing at, only for them to stare at the small restaurant in disbelief.

"You gotta be messing with us! You don't mean that Hunter applicants from around the world come to this place?" Leorio asked.

"I do," The navigator responded, much to their shock. "No one would expect the Hunter Exam to be held here, right?"

"That's true..." Leorio mumbled. The group entered the restaurant as the navigator said some type of code to the chef, who then told them to go to the backroom. They entered the backroom where there was a table and four chairs.

"Wait here," The navigator said.

"Wait?" Leorio repeated, confused, "Where are the others?"

"I can't wait for that steak combo!" Gon exclaimed only for Kurapika to turn him down by informing him, "That was just a code to get us inside."

[Y/N] then sat down next to Kurapika,

"Aw, so we don't get to eat?" Gon said, disappointed. 

The navigator then congratulated the four of them on successfully making it to the exam site on their first tries at becoming Hunters, earning him "thank you's" from the group and a polite handshake from Gon. As soon as he left the room started to shake.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now