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[Y/N] stares at Kurapika's disguises than at herself by using the reflection on the car's window as her mirror. Kurapika wears a silver hair wig, black collared shirt, and black pants with caps and shades to hide his features. While [Y/N] wears a simple suit with glasses and black pants. They had to wear disguises to protect themselves from the Phantom Troupe.

Kurapika just got a call from Killua and he answers the phone while [Y/N], Gon, and Leorio leaned into his phone to listen to their conversation. Killua tells them everything that happened until

Kurapika finally spoke up. "That is most likely a Conjurer's work." He said.

"Yeah, that's gotta be it. These buildings weren't here yesterday. This has to be Nen." Killua said.

"Man, these guys are really crazy...They have someone who can conjure entire buildings!" Leorio exclaimed.

"It's safe to say that they've rigged somehow," [Y/N] stated.

"Yeah. That tells us they're still using this place as their base. The problem is that these buildings create too many blind spots. I can only watch twenty percent of the area at a time."

"However, if you move around too much, you could run into one of them."

"I'd like to avoid that. I mean, I have no idea what I'd do if I heard their voices behind me...My heart is pounding."

"Voices...Kurapika." Her boyfriend nodded as he instructed, "I heard you. For now, return to your original position. I'll call you back in five minutes." Then he hung up the phone just as [Y/N] pulled out her phone and made a call to Melody.

"Hello? Melody? How's it going on your side?"

"We're still shopping. This might be harder than regular bodyguard work. Basho's about to snap and the boss keeps complaining about you not being here with her, [Y/N]."

"O-Oh, I see...Anyway, do you have time right now?"


Then [Y/N] heard a crash on the other side as she raised a brow, "What was that?" She asked.

"It's nothing. It's just Basho tripped."

"...That must be rough. Back to the point, I have something to ask you for. We need you to help Killua. He's at the abandoned crash, around 2300 meters around southwest."

"Yes. I understood. I'll be there as soon as possible." Then she hung up her phone.

"I guess all we can do now is just to wait." Leorio parked the car at the side as he picked up a sandwich made from [Y/N] and munched on it.

Gon's phone suddenly rings and he picks up the call, "Killua?"

"The woman's here. She's with her buddies. There are six, moving together. Those topknot guys are here too. One more thing. There's one person that wasn't there yesterday. He's probably the leader...And they're too alert! I'm too afraid to circle around in front."

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now