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Gon, Kurapika, and [Y/N] have finally reached the gates to Phase 2.

"Looks like we made it in time," Kurapika said in relief as the trio began to look around for Leorio. [Y/N] halted in her steps when she felt someone watching her. She turned around and saw Riley and Hisoka, smiling as if nothing had happened. Hisoka lifted his long finger to point to the left and [Y/N] followed the finger and saw Leorio sitting under a tree. [Y/N] and her friends hurried over to their wounded friend.

"Man, that stings...Why am I all beat up?" Leorio wondered out loud, confessing he had no memory about what happened.

"Let's not tell him what happened," Kurapika whispered to Gon and [Y/N], who nodded in agreement.

"Gon!" A voice called out which turned out to be Killua. "I can't believe you actually got here. I thought you were done for!"

"I just followed Leorio's cologne!" Gon exclaimed.

"Cologne!? That's how? You're weird, Gon," Killua said with a deadpan expression.

"Excellent work everyone." This grabbed everyone's attention as they looked at Satotz. "Phase Two will begin after you cross the border of this gate. I shall take my leave now. Best of luck to you all," And with that he took off, disappearing from everyone's sight.

The towering gate split into two doors sliding open for the applicants to see what is inside. It is revealed to be a mansion with a sprawling garden that is set up for cooking. A woman's voice came from the inside, inviting the applicants to enter. They were greeted with the presence of two examiners, a green-haired woman with a rather revealing outfit, and a gargantuan man in a yellow top.

"Welcome all! I'm Menchi, your examiner for the second phase!" The woman greeted with a youthful voice.

"And likewise, I'm Buhara." The massive man added. All of a sudden an echoing growl emitted from Buhara's empty stomach.

"You must be hungry," Menchi said, looking up at the other examiner.

"I'm starving!" Buhara whined.

Menchi stood up from her seat to announce the next task, "There you have it. Phase Two will be....cooking!"

"Wait! Cooking? We're here to take the Hunter's Exam!" One of the applicants complained.

"That's right. Your challenge for the Second Phase is to produce a dish that will satisfy both of us." Menchi explained.

"And why do we have to cook!?"

"That is because we're Gourmet Hunters!" Menchi proudly answered.

Once hearing that, most of the applicants burst into laughter.

"Man, what a let down,"

"They're Gourmet Hunters,"

Menchi narrowed her eyes, clearly annoyed.

I'LL BE WITH YOU ― KURAPIKA KURTA ✓Where stories live. Discover now