Chapter 1: I Can't Remember You

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Your eyes open slowly. The bright white light floods your vision. You have a slight headache. As your eyes open, you see the blur of white ceiling tiles with little black specs all over them. Your hand reaches down and grabs a hold of the soft, white sheets. Everything in your vision is nothing but a blur, yet you can make out colors. Slowly, your eyes adjust to the compact room. You think you're alone until you see a man peek his head above you. He has dark hair and rectangular glasses. His beard just a shadow. You see a light glisten on his cheek, he must be crying. "(F/n), are you awake?" the man asks. Who is he and how does he know my name?

As you open your eyes more, you move your gaze around the room. You see a woman with dark skin and black hair wearing scrubs walk through the door to your right, "Well, now that she's awake all she has to do is pass a few simple tests just to make sure she can eat and go to the bathroom well then she can go home." "That's great. Thank you so much," the man standing beside you says. The nurse exits the room, now you're completely awake. You look to the man, who has wiped the tears from his face, but his eyes remain red. You're almost afraid to ask who he is, he doesn't seem emotionally stable right now. Against your better judgment, you ask anyway, "If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" He sighs deeply before turning away from your sight. You knew what he was doing, you shouldn't have asked.

He tried to get himself together, and after a few minutes he finally pulled it together enough to tell you, "I'm Mark. We're... umm... really good friends," he pauses for a moment, "Do you really not remember me?" You can tell he's fearful of your answer, but you decide it's best to be honest. You nod your head, "I'm sorry," you tell him as he turns away from you again. He walks over to the corner of the room and sits in the chair, he looks rather uncomfortable, but you're sure an uncomfortable chair is the least of his concerns right now. There's a long silence, he stares at the floor and you try to wrack your brain for any memory at all. You recall every regular memory, just none of them included this Mark guy. You can remember things all the way from your childhood up until you got to the hospital. Speaking of which, why were you even here?

"Hey, Mark," you break the silence, "Why am I here?" He wipes his face and sniffles, "you don't remember that either?" You shook your head no. He looks down at the ground, thinking, "you just hit your head really hard and passed out. I probably over reacted by calling an ambulance, but I wanted to make sure you would be okay. You've been out for a few days." This information hits you particularly hard. You've been asleep for several days, but it doesn't feel like it. It only feels like a few seconds, minutes, maybe hours. You aren't quite sure.

About an hour of small talk and awkward silences later, the nurse comes back in to make sure you can eat and drink, you pass that test. "Now you just have to be able to pass the liquids and then you'll be all set to get out of here. I know this isn't a fun place to be," she smiles and exits the room, leaving you and Mark alone once again. "So, Mark. Is there anything I need to know?" you ask him, breaking the silence. "Nothing now, maybe later. I just don't think now is the right time to tell you," he says to the ground, avoiding eye contact.

About a half hour after that, nature calls. You call in the nurse after you've relieved yourself and tell her everything's good. "Great, I'll finish up your paperwork and you'll be outta here sister," she says with a smile on her face. She's so cheerful, it's really uplifting compared to Mark's mood. Granted, you're the reason his mood isn't great. You can't even remember him.

"I'll drive, considering you have no idea where you're going," he joked, trying to lighten the mood. It did help a little. On the ride home, you stayed quiet. Mark made a few attempts at sparking a conversation, but you just couldn't keep them going. You didn't really have a desire. You wanted to go through your memories and find him in one of them. But alas, his face is no where to be seen in your brain. It's not that you lost your memories, just ones with him in them apparently. How is that even possible to just forget things pertaining to a specific person?

Once you arrive at your apartment, Mark helps you inside. "I can walk, Mark. I just lost some memories, I still know how to walk," you joke. He unlocks the door, his brows furrowed. The look on his face gave you a feeling of uncertainty. You weren't quite sure about this whole situation anymore. "I've got it from here, Mark. Thanks for the ride," you tell him. "I live here, too," he informs you. "Oh," you look away from him as you walk inside, "sorry..." "Don't apologize. It's not your fault you can't remember," he begins walking over to you. You have a feeling he's about to do something when he stops himself. You turn and walk into the living room quickly. You almost don't even notice the most absurd thing, or things in the room. There are people on the couch. As little as you know the guy, you'd still feel better if he were in here with you. "Mark," you call. He comes over to you, "yea?" He looks over at the couch and his eyes grow wide.

Hey guys! New fanfic! I'm so excited about this one. I've got big plans for it.

And I'm hoping to have a schedule with this one. A chapter a day. Worst case scenario one every two days. But most of the time, one a day.

Anyway, thanks for reading and as always I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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