Chapter 9: Date Under The Stars

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Dark's POV

The next morning, I wake up slowly. I walk out of my bedroom, the second I do, (F/n) pushes me back inside, "We need to talk." She walks over to the bed and sits down, motioning for me to sit next to her. I sit down, "is everything okay." "Dark, Mark told me that you were lying when you said you and I were dating. That's not true is it?" she asks. "I told you not to tell him," I say to her. How could she tell him, she's going to completely ruin my plan. If Mark finds out what I'm planning he'd kill me. "Just answer the question, Dark." "Of course we're dating. It hurts that you'd trust him more than your own boyfriend. Do you know how hard it is to love someone and they don't even know who you are, much less love you back," I'm hoping me words get to her. I stand up and take a few steps toward the door, then she speaks up, "Dark," she stands up and walks over to me, "I'm sorry. You told me he gets jealous easily and I should've believed you. And I know this is hard for you, too. I'm sorry I can't remember anything, if I could I would." "I know you would. It's just not possible. Even though you can't remember us together, doesn't mean I don't love you," I say turning toward her, grabbing her hands in mine. "Oh, Dark. I love you, too," she says as I lean down and kiss her gently. When I pull away, her eyes remain on mine. That twinkle in her eye speaks to me. I feel something deep down that I've never felt before. What is this feeling? "What do you say we go out later? I had a date planned for our two year anniversary anyway," I ask her. She nods, "I'd love to. But how are we going to tell Mark?" "I'll take care of it. Don't you worry about him," I say to her before I turn and exit the room.

Downstairs, Wilford and Mark are talking, the moment I reach the bottom of the stairs they go silent. "Go ahead and finish talking about me. I know that's what you guys were talking about," I say as I walk throught the living room into the kitchen. I give them a few minutes to wrap up their gossip then I return to the living room, I take a seat as far away from Mark as possible. "So, Dark, how is your and (F/n)'s two year long relationship going?" Mark asks sarcastically. "Oh, it's wonderful, thank you for asking," I return the sarcasm, "I was actually planning on taking her on a date today." I can see the anger in Mark's eyes, "Well, I hope the two of you have fun," he leans back in his place on the couch and tries to calm himself down. After several awkward moments, (F/n) comes down the stairs. I stand up and walk over to her. "Hello, beautiful," I say putting my hands on her hips and pulling her close. I look over to see if Mark is looking, I can see him taking quick glances at us out of the corner of his eye, so I lean down and kiss her. "I love you, babe," I say when I lean away. When she turns to walk away, I gently slap her on the ass, making sure Mark could see of course. She turns around and grins at me. Tonight's the night, I can feel it.

Your POV

Dark is so funny. He's pretty... hands on, too. If he tried anything, how would you react? What if he, really tried something. Would you be okay with it? What if Mark is right? Of course he's not. He sounded completely crazy, plus he tried to hit you. If there was anything that was ever going to happen between you two, it's over now. Absolutely never going to happen.

Soon after you enter the kitchen, Dark comes in behind you. He wraps his arms around you from behind, "Hey, babe. Can you be ready to go in a couple hours?" You turn around and kiss him, "Yes, but only if you tell me where we're going." "I'm taking you to a secret restaurant, and that's all I'm saying," he kisses you again, you open your eyes accidentally during the kiss and see Mark standing in the doorway, The look on his is almost heartbreaking. Honestly, you almost feel good about making him feel so bad. He deserves it. If Dark knew he tried to hit you, it wouldn't be good, so your decided to keep it from him.

A couple hours later, you were all ready to go. "I'm ready," you called out as you rushed down the stairs. You see Mark and Wilford sitting on the couch along with Dark. Mark and Wilford's face look upset. You aren't sure what about though, but you have an idea. You put their faces out of your mind the minute you get into the car. Dark drives for a few minutes before pulling into a parking lot. When you step out of the car, you look off into the distance. The beautiful colors of the sunset remind you of scenes from some of your favorite books. You walk into the restaurant, hand in hand. Dark tells the hostess, "Two please." She leads you through the dining area to a quaint table for two. You look up, taking in your surroundings. You see leafless trees with lights all over them. The atmosphere is so romantic. Dark orders the special for both of us. "So, Dark. Tell me something else," you put your elbow on the table and put your chin on your hand. Gazing into your eyes, "Something else? Like another memory?" You nod. "Well, our first vacation together was to a foreign country. I'm not going to say where because I want to see if you can remember it eventually. But, we went to a restaurant, similar to this one, and it was the best night of my life." He grins at you, "Did we...?" you trail off. He nods, giving you an answer to the question that's been going through your mind all day. "I see," you say a little awkwardly. "We don't have to again for a while. I understand that this is still a diffcult situation for you," you grin at him. "Thank you. I feel bad for basically making you start all over with our relationship. I promise, I'll be back to normal soon." The waiter comes and brings you your food. Dark immediately takes a bite out of his, followed by you taking a bite. "I wish this Dragon Carrot Risoto would become a person so I could take it to Vegas and marry it," you laugh at his statement. "I love you, Dark," you look deeply into his eyes. "I love you, too, (F/n). You have no idea."

You and Dark went on a real date, but how will it end? Are you really that guillble that you'd be manipulated into his bed? Could he actually have feelings for you now, maybe since you two have talked he actually cares for you?

Tell me in the comments anything you guys would like to happen and maybe I can incooperate it. Team Mark or Team Dark. And will there ever be a Team Wilford?

Anyway, as always I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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