February 5, 2015

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So, I know it's been a long time since I've written in here. I've moved to LA with Mark, I'll talk more about him in a minute, and I still don't really know what I wanna do with my life, but I'm just enjoying the ride.

Mark internet famous now. It's hard to think that I'm best friends with an internet celebrity but I am, always have been. He hasn't changed at all though. He's still the same goofy, nice Mark I've always known. He did go through a period where he was really sad a lot. I can't blame him though. With his dad passing away, him not knowing his future, and his own medical problems, it's been quite the eventfully past few years. Luckily, Mark spirit never died. He would manage to crack a smile no matter what the situation was.

LA is nice. Pretty fast paced for my taste. I miss the slowness and calmness of home. Well, this is home now. Rooming with Mark is fun though. He always keeps me guessing and I love it. He's just the best. Today, Mark said he has a surprise for me. He won't tell me what though. That's one thing that's always bothered me about him. He'll plan these surprises and not tell me what they are. He did give me a clue, "where was your favorite place when we were little." And that was it. My favorite place was his house. Then I thought about it more, it's out in the woods! I would always tell him how much I loved it out there. I can't let him know I know what his surprise is though. Woods are a rarity in LA so it'll be a long drive. I don't mind though, I love talking to Mark. Spending time with him, being around him, it's all great.

Around town, people still ask if we're dating. I though that would end after high school. I'm not saying I wouldn't want to. He's not that bad of a guy. Well, I can't really explain it. I've always loved Mark, but it was a friend way. But now, I feel, somethings different. I'm not going to say I love him, because I don't know. I might. But, the feeling I get now when I'm around him, I can't explain it. I'm filled with butterflies and I kinda get nervous. I never used to, so I don't know what's changed.

Maybe I can get my feeling all figured out today. I hope so anyway.

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