Chapter 3: Hello Beautiful

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Your POV

You lean against the cold, white counter of the kitchen, thinking about what you just saw. The three faces flash through your mind again and again. You aren't even concerned with what they're talking about at this point. All that you can think about is those faces. All exactly alike. There are only a few distinct differences between each one. Mark looks the most normal out of all three. The one in the top hat looks just like Mark except with a pink, handlebar mustache. The other is the least like Mark and the pink mustached Mark. His skin is grey and his eyes are pitch black. Are they Mark's brothers? You thought about the idea for a moment, but the look on Mark's face confirmed they weren't. Who they were, you weren't sure, but you were determined to find out soon.

You stay where you are for a moment, then the tension finally breaks when you quickly charge into the living room. You're trying to move as fast as possible so you don't have time to think about whether or not you should turn around. Once you pass the door frame, and all the men are in your vision again, they all turn back around to look at you. You walk around the couch and stand right in front of them, silently. You had planned ot come in here, but you didn't know what to say. You had so many questions that all wanted to come out of your mouth all at once. Before speaking, you got your questions in order in your head then began talking. "Who are you guys?" you ask the two men sitting beside each other. The one in the top hat and pink mustache stood up. He took your hand and bowed, "Madame, I am Wilford Warfstache, but you can call me Wilford," he kisses you hand. You almost pull it away, but for the sake of being polite, you don't. The one with grey skin pulls Wilford back onto the couch, "That's enough Wilford," he stands up and looks you dead in the eyes, "Hello B-E-A-utiful. I'm Dark. It's a plessure to finally meet you in person." You think for a moment, almost shaking of what he said, then you think about the phrase as a whole. "Finally meet me in person?" you question out loud on accident.

Mark coughs a little, then gives Dark a darting glance. "Umm," Mark speaks up, "I've told them a lot about you," he gives you a polite smile which you return. "(F/n), why don't you go on upstairs and unpack your stuff from the hospital. I'll be up there soon," Mark tells you. You can sense you're not wanted, so you don't protest and you turn and walk up the stairs.

Mark's POV

As soon as (F/n) is out of sight, I can't hold it in anymore, "You almost blew the whole thing before it even started!" Dark sighs and sits back down in the couch, "dude, chill. It's fine. She has no idea who any of us are, you could tell her anything and she'd believe it." I can see Wilford face light up with a dastardly grin in my peripheral vision. "Don't even," I turn to him. "You don't even know what I was thinking," Wilford mocks my voice. This could get confusing for poor (F/n). Three guys who look extremely similar, it'd be easier if she could remember at least me. I'm not even sure exactly why she passed out that day. We were just on a hike when she collapsed. That was a wonderful date though. I remember every detail. The soft (hair color) waves of her hair resembled those straight from the occean. She was wearing her Markiplier shirt I gave her, it looked stunning on her. She never had to be dressed up for me to absolutely adore her. Her just being herself was more than enough for me.

Wilford's POV

She truly is beautiful. The view from Mark's brain wasn't even close to how she really looked. Jealousy. I can feel the feeling slowly coming over me. She's Mark, and Mark is practically my brother. I could never do anything to come between them. I may seem like the villain, but deep down I really am a good guy. I'm a man of honor and dignity. I would never try to break anyone up for my own good. But, seeing the images of her face flashing through my brain. I can't get her out of my head. Do I love her? No, I hardly know her. I've only seen her in person, for myself, once. But that one time, I felt something I'd never felt before. It was a warm feeling that I can't quiet explain, but I really liked it. If I could have that feeling all the time, it would be the greatest thing. I would give anything to have a feeling like that all the time.

Yes, I've done things in my past lives that I'm not proud of, but this one I want to be different. I'm sick of being the bad guy all the time. I want someone to be mine. I want someone to have and to hold. I want the feeling of love.

Wilford might not be such a bad guy after all, but we can't be sure.

I hope you guys are liking this so far, sorry it's slow but I don't want to rush the storyline.

Anyway, as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye.

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