Chapter 39: No Peeking

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Your POV

You and Wilford have had a pretty nice hour. You went and got some coffee, then sat and just talked. It wasn't like flirting talk like you had anticipated, it was just a nice conversation. It wasn't very memorable though as the information was just space filler for the time you had.

You both decided to go back to the hotel. Wilford asked you to come to his room for a second though. You didn't ask why, but did as he asked. He walked in and looked around. Before you could walk into the room, Wilford is already trying to walk out. "Okay. Do you want to go back to your room?" he asks. You nod.

You turn and begin walking toward your door slowly since it's so close. "You know, Wil, this was really nice. We should do it again sometime," he looked down at the ground. You felt a little guilty for saying it but you weren't sure why. "I'd love to, it's just... I don't know if we'll have time," he says, keeping his eyes on the ground. "Of course we will. We have all the time in the world. I'm not just talking about in Cincinnati." "I know. Still. It's hard to explain, it's just..." You hear his voice catch and decide to stop asking questions. You get closer to him and wrap your arms around his neck. It's a natural instinct you have, to comfort people. You could tell he was obviously upset. "It's okay, Wil," you pat his back. He wraps his arms around you slowly, almost hesitantly. "It's just, I love... hanging out with you," he says. You knew what he wanted to say. Guilt sinks deeper inside of you.

You let go and you're about to go inside when Mark comes out of his room. "Hey, I wasn't interrupting anything was I?" he asks, but you shake your head. "Okay," Wilford turns around without looking at you and goes into his and Mark's room, "well, (F/n), I have a surprise planned. When do you want it?" "What is it?" you ask. "Oh (F/n), I know you can't resist a surprise. Just say whenever and we'll go ahead and leave." "I always forget that you know basically everything," you smile at him. He begins walking toward the elevator, "Basically everything? Try everything ever." You both laugh as you make your way out of the hotel and to the car.

Mark still refuses to tell you where you're going. "Come on. Just a hint," you beg. "Nope," he smirked. "Don't get that smirk going. It freaks me out," you can't help but smile. At a stoplight he looks over and says, "so it freaks you out, huh," and gives you an even bigger, creepier smirk. You laugh right in his face causing him to laugh too.

Finally, you pull up to the place of Mark's surprise. "Why are we back here?" you ask. "I told you, it's a surprise. Now I'm gonna go hide and you seek," he said running away toward his old house, "and no peeking!"

Hey guys!! So I'm super excited. I just found out I GET TO GO TO EUROPE FOR BAND!!! I didn't think I'd be able to, but my dad said he'd make it happen. So I'm SUPER excited for that even though it's over a year away.

And Indy PopCon update! We bought our tickets and we'll be there all three days. Me and BonnieWest are gonna be dressed as Sims so just look for the green diamonds (plumbobs) above two girls head and you've found us!! Hopefully that'll make it easier for you guys to find us.

AND, BonnieWest and I will be hopefully writing the story of our lives together as stepsisters. We'll each have our own book on our own accounts and we'll post chapters at the same time containing the same exact event but the only thing different is the point of view. Even if no one reads it or cares, we still think it'll be fun.

Anyway, I talked way too long but I love you guys. I don't consider you all "fans" as much as friends. Thank you all so much for everything and as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!!

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