Chapter 23: Please

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Your POV

You stand up and walk over to the door. You don't remember ordering any room service, maybe Mark did. You open it and you're absolutely shocked by who you see. It's Dark. You're hesitant to do or even say anything. You're taken aback when he rushes toward you and wraps you in his arms. You don't say anything for a few minutes, then he releases his grip and looks at you, "Can we go for a walk?" You peek around the wall and look at Mark who's staring at his computer, "Sure." You walk out the door without saying a word to Mark, he's probably doing something for YouTube or something anyway. Dark escorts you down the hall and out of the hotel. Both of you are silent as you walk through the halls. There's a large park across the street, which is where the talking begins. "(F/n), I know I might be the last person you want to see or talk to, but I just have to get a few things off my chest. I don't know if you watched the video I put on Mark's channel," you nod telling him you saw it, "good, good. I meant every word I said. All of those plus much more. I love you, (F/n). I wasn't thinking before. I don't even know my thought process that led up to me thinking it was okay to lie to you like that. I will never be able to forgive myself for that, and I don't blame you if you won't either. But I'm asking for a second chance. I see what I did wrong now and I want to fix it. I love you so much and I don't want to lose you just because I made a stupid mistake. I never thought I would ever love anyone, much less love anyone as much as I love you. I know I'm rambling at this point, but I just wanted to tell you all of that and if you still never want to talk to me ever again, it's okay. I'll find a way to manage." He takes a pause and you're completely shocked, you heard his words from the video but now he's saying them directly to your face and it's all so real now. He starts up again, "No, I'm being honest now. I don't know how I'll manage without you. I need you in my life (F/n). If it's just as friends, sure I'll be absolutely heartbroken but it's better than you hating me. I just love you so much I don't know how to handle it. I was made to be the evil one," he chuckles a little, "I'm not built to deal with these kinds of feelings." 

You take a second and let his words sink in. Do you want to take him back? This is all so overwhelming. Everything so far has been overwhelming. You take his hand in yours and look into his eyes. That's your first mistake. Now you're trapped. You can't look away now. Those eyes have the power to hypnotize you no matter who is the actual owner of them. You open your mouth to talk but no words come out. You're at a total loss of words. How do you respond to someone confessing their love to you like that? Do you even feel the same? Yes, he lied to you, but are you a believer of second chances. You have always thought that there is at least a little good in everyone. Should you give this another try? You open your mouth again and try to speak but nothing. You take his hand in yours. There's your second mistake. Now you can't get away even if you wanted to. "Dark.... I.... I need to sit down," you walk over to a bench. Before you can sit down, you collapse onto the hard concrete.

I am SOOO sorry for not updating guys. I had a bad skunk problem I had to help fix and I was a little stuck on where to go from the last chapter. 

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and as always I will see you in the next chapter!

Bye bye!

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