Chapter 14: She's the One

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I'm going to be condensing this part a little, hopefully you all will still get The Fault in the Picture. And of you haven't read The Fault in our Stars and you're confused by this chapter, I'm sorry.

Your POV

He stared at you the entire meeting. Not once did his eyes wander from you. Afterwards, you stood outside waiting for your mom. After a couple minutes, you hear someone else exit the building. You turn and see Isaac and the guy, Dark, walking out. "See you later, Isaac," Dark said. Isaac turned and walked over to his car with his apparent girlfriend, of course this is just an assumption, but based on the way they were sucking face you're pretty sure they are. Dark stops beside you, you know how this goes. "We were literally in the heart of Jesus," he says. "What's your name." he looks over at you. "Hazel," you say. "Really? You don't look like a Hazel." "Oh, you asked for my name. It's (F/n)." He smiles at you, "no your full name." "(F/n) (M/n) (L/n)." He just stares for a moment. "Why are you staring at me?" you ask. Without hesitation, he replies, "because you're beautiful." You can't help but grin, you can feel your cheeks blush.

He invites you to come to his house and watch a movie. At first, you're a little reluctant, but you agree anyway. After being there for a little while, you realize he's a really cool guy. Very blunt though. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but you don't want to get to close to him, with your condition it's unpredictable on when you could die. You want to hurt as few people as possible. You give him a book to read and he gives you one. You spend the next week waiting to hear a single word from him. Finally, when he texts back he tells you to come over. You do and he explains his thoughts on how angry he is at the author. "Me too! It's a horrible ending, but its realistic. You just die in the middle of life. You die in the middle of a sentence," you say. "Yea, but not finishing a book is like a violation of an unwritten contact between the readers and the author," he sits down next to you on the couch.

You spend everyday for the next couple months with Dark, and you love every second of it. "Just friends," you'd say to him often. He'd always reply, "just friends." You forgot that you were actually in the story until you were about to head to Amsterdam with him and you had to go to the doctor to see if it was okay to go. You protested your heart out, refusing to take no for an answer. Finally, they gave in and are allowing you to go.

The day that you leave roles around. You and your mom are all packed. You walk out the front door and look down the street. Here comes Dark sticking half his body out of the sunroof of a limousine. You can't help but giggle at the sight of him, "I told them I ride in style or not at all."

On the plane, you make it to your seats. You have the one in the middle and Dark sits by the window. He looks outside when the engine kicks on; the pilot comes on over the intercom to go through safety procedures. Once it starts moving, you can see his eyes grow wide. He grabs a tight hold of your hand. "Have you never been in a plane before?" you ask him. He shakes his head. After a few minutes of being stable in the air, he finally calms down and the rest of the flight is relaxing.

Dark's POV

After meeting that asshole author, I can tell how angry (F/n). I feel horrible. She's loved that book for so long, and for him to act like that was just horrible. I have to make it up to her somehow.

We went and looked at the tourists sights, then went to the Anne Frank house. I wasn't sure if she was going to be able to go thought it, with all the stairs and everything. Once we were inside, it was amazing. I felt like I stepped inside of the history. Like I stepped back in time. But my eyes kept going back to her. She's just so beautiful. I feel bad for lying to her in the real world. I can't believe I did that.

She climbs up the ladder, out of breath when she reaches he top. I help her up and she sits down on the floor. When she finally catches her breath, I help her to her feet. Were at the top room. While we listen to the sounds of Anne reading pages from her diary, I look around and take everything in. It's all so surreal, deep in my mind, I know it's not real. But I'd like to think it is. I hope she knows what's going on and this isn't just a dream.

She looks over at me, catching my attention. I look down at her and we gaze at each other for a moment. Then, she leans up and puts her hands on my neck and pulls me close to her. The feeling of our lips together once more is even better this time. I know, right then that she's the one.

Hey guys! Who do you think you'll end up with? Dark? Wilford? Mark?

(The Darkness will stay for a while but maybe there will be a Mark in time where it goes away)

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter

Bye bye!

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