Chapter 13: Sorry

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Dark's POV

After my encounter with Mark, he fled to his room, unwilling to talk to anyone. Wilford came over to me, " let me see." He helps me regain my posture and looks at the bruise. "Wow, he got you pretty good," Wilford says. I push him out of the way and head for the bathroom, "I can tend to it myself." I close the door behind me and lock it. I put a hand on the cool countertop to support myself and lean forward, assessing the severity of the bruise. I have to give it to him, I didn't think he had it in him. He was the last person I expected to throw a punch, especially the first punch. If I hadn't have been so surprised I would've fought back. But what if (F/n) saw? If she ever saw me hitting Mark she'd hate me, more than she already does. But her hate now is justified; I lied to her. I should've just been honest and tried to win her over like that. I really hope that didn't ruin my chances with her. This is the first girl, well only girl, I've ever felt this way about.

What do you even do to help a bruise heal? Is there an ointment? Pills? Maybe some ibuprofen would help this pounding headache I have though. I bend down and look in the cabinet under the sink. To my surprise, I see the book. The one Wilford and I his under the couch. How did it get in here? What if Mark moved it? I open the book and scan through all the pages, checking to see if I could possibly tell if Mark has read it, but that's not possible. All of a sudden, my vision goes completely black, and I'm lost.

Your POV

Your vision stats black for only a moment. You remember this sensation you feel, it's the same one you felt when you were entering the book with Wilford. Who will be in here with you now? Hopefully not Mark. There's no way you could stand to be around him right now.

Finally, you start seeing blurs of color. Well, one color, white. Where are you? When your vision clears, you see you're in a doctors office. "She's depressed," the woman in the white doctors coat says to your mother. "I am not depressed," you protest. "Just confused," you mumble to yourself. "I'll just add a few pills to your routine and that should help." and with that, you took your prescription and went home.

In the car, your mom told you about a support group for cancer kids that she's basically going to force you to go to. "Mom, I don't want to go. I have friends," you tell her. "Come on, it'll be good for you. Just go once for me and if you absolutely hate it you never have to go back," she says. You decide this is as good of a compromise as you're going to get, so you give in. "Fine."

The next day, you get dressed, well sort of dressed. You look exactly like how you feel about this whole support group thing. Your mom dropped you off even though you can drive, "have fun. And make some friends." You didn't turn around, you just kept walking into the church. You turn into a doorway and accidentally bump into someone. You look up at their face and see him grinning at you, "sorry," he says. You know him. It's Dark. Oh no, you know how this story goes. As much as you don't like Dark, you'd prefer him to be your Augustus over Mark.

Hey guys! Sorry this was short. The Fault In Our Stars! Anyone read it? If you have you know what's gonna happen!

Anyway, thanks to everyone who's been on my YouTube channel! It's so greatly appreciated! Thank you guys so much for everything.

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter!

Bye bye!

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