Chapter 26: Are You Okay?

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Your POV

After about a half an hour of saying nothing to him but directions, you break the awkwardness. "What did you talk to Wilford about?" you ask. He gives you a strange look and opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out. Then, he finds the words, "not much. He said hi, and that he misses and loves you." You can hear his voice in your head, then you think for a moment. You decide you want to hear his voice for yourself, "I'm going to call him," you said pulling your phone out. "Don't. He's very busy," Mark said coldly. "Then I'll just text him," you get your phone out. "Wait. We can stop at the next exit and I'll call him and see if he's still busy. I'm afraid if you called and he's in the middle of something he'll get mad. I'd rather have him mad at me than you." "Thank you," you say, waiting patiently for the car to stop. He pulled into a fast food restaurant. He got out of the car and went inside, "I'll bring some food, I already know what you want." He gave you his signature smirk. Oh, that smirk. How it made the butterflies that almost permanently resided in your stomach twirl. You get out of the car and lean against it and look at your phone, you changed your lock screen to a picture of you kissing Wilford's cheek. You're hit, once again, with the guilt of how you haven't talked to him in a week now. You send him a text: Hey, Will. I know you're probably busy, but I wanted to tell you I'm sorry I haven't talked to you for a while, I got really sidetracked. Text me back when you get the chance. I love you.

He sends back a text almost instantly: My phones about to die so I'm going to use someone elses and call you here in a second. I can't wait to hear your beautiful voice. 

You see Mark come walking out of the restaurant, looking down at his phone while carrying the bags of food. When he reaches the car, your phone starts ringing. It's a number you've never seen before. "Hello," you answer. "Hey, babe. It's Wilford," his accent is so adorable. "I'm so sorry I completely forgot to text or call you. Mark and I have been trying to find out what to do," you explain to him. "It's fine," he says. Something about his voice seems off. "Are you okay?" you ask hi'm. "Yea. I'm good. Great. I just miss you," you can hear his voice starting to get shaky. "Wilford, don't you lie to me. What's wrong?" you demand. "Nothing. I-I gotta go," he says. "Wilford. Don't you hang up that phone," you demand again. "I love you," he says and hangs up the phone. You didn't realize you were walking around the parking lot. You storm back to the car and get in. Mark is sitting inside eating, "Someones pissed." You smirk and shake your head, "it's nothing." We leans a little closer to you, "Don't give me that shit. Something's up. If you don't want to talk about it that's fine, but if you do, I'm here." You think for a moment. Should you tell him? You can't hold it in, you spill your guts, "he just hung up on me. God, Wilford is such an ass. I mean... I don't even know what I mean. He's just... UGH. I'm so goddamn frustrated right now!!" He pats your shoulder, "It'll be okay. I'm sure he's just going through something right now. What did he say to you exactly?" "Not much, but that's the problem. I mean, we haven't been together very long and I get that, but we have a major communication problem. Sure, the last thing he said on the phone was 'I love you' but, I don't know, I just don't feel it. You can't just say it, those are words that you have to show and mean. And he just didn't show that meaning. I mean, I thought I loved him, maybe I do, but right now all I want is for him to just act like he cares more." "I'm sure he cares," he replies immediately, "love is a complicated thing. Like I have the hardest time showing it. To my fans, it's easy, but not so much to people I really know. It's just... it's hard." 

Mark's POV

If I can't have her, I'd rather someone I actually like and trust have her. I might as well defend him. 

Hey guys! That last POV will make sense later (NO SPOILERS!) I'm getting so many new Followers! Thank you all so much! I'm sorry if I seem to be neglecting this story a bit, I've got a lot on my plate with YouTube, school, YouTube, thinking of stories, YOUTUBE!

And everyone go check out @_c_has_e_ 's story All My Love: Markiplier x Reader. They did not tell me to advertise this, I honestly just love their story. So SURPRISE CHASE! I'm pretty sure that's your name (sorry if it's not) Keep it up, Wattpad needs more passionate writers. 

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and as always I will see you in the next chapter! 

Bye Bye!

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