Chapter 5: Love Ya, Weirdo

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Dark's POV

"I'll cause the distraction. You wait until they're both down here paying attention to me then you head up there. Got it?" Wilford states the plan. "Got it," I head over to the bathroom by the staircase. I get behind the door, leaving it open. Once Wilford thinks I'm ready he'll put the plan in action. I hear footsteps lead into the kitchen, then a cabinet open. Then, dozens of loud booms and crash sounds of metal hitting against more metal, and finally, a collapsing sound. I hear a door upstairs open forcefully and footsteps rushing down the stairs. I can tell its both of them, which is exactly what I want. "Oh my god, Wilford, are you okay?" I hear Mark yell, rushing past the bathroom and into the kitchen. When I think the coast is clear, I break for it. I rush up the stairs. Before I close the door of (F/n) 's room behind me, I hear Mark say, "Where's Dark?" I trust that Wilford can come up with a good excuse.

I look around her room, searching for the bookshelf. It isn't hard to find, but she just has so many. She has three bookshelves that are taller than me. I walk over to them and begin looking for the one mysterious book. Finally, I find it. I gently run my fingers over the cool leather binding and pull it out. Before opening it, I get out of her room as quickly as possible. I rush down the stairs, hiding the book behind my back, "Is everything okay?" I lie. "Yea, I was just trying to make some food when I was reaching for a pot they all came toppling down on top of me, knocking me to the ground. But I'm fine," Wilford says as (F/n) and Mark's eyes move to me. Mark's expression is very confused. In my mind, I can hear his faint thoughts, "When did he go upstairs?"

Mark turns his attention back to Wilford, "So you're sure you're okay?" he asks Wilford. He turns to look at me to make sure I've done my job, I give him a slight nod to signify I have. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you guys," Mark helps Wilford up off the ground and they all pick up the pots and pans. While they aren't looking, I go over to the couch and slide the book behind a pillow, then go over to help them finish the job. Once every pot and pan is placed back in the cabinet, Mark begins speaking a little awkwardly, "(F/n), can we go back upstairs and finish up our conversation?" She just nods as they both head up the stairs and out of sight. Wilford and I mutually agree with a glance to go back to the couch. We sit down in the same places we were when Mark and (F/n) got home and I pull the book out from behind the pillow. "Wow," Wilford stares at the cover in amazement, "This is what we've been waiting for for so long." "Shall we?" I open up the book and we begin reading, studying, and memorizing every page.

Your POV

You walk over to your bed and sit down while Mark closes the door behind him. "(F/n), I know this is really hard for you right now. I just want you to know that any questions you have, I'll be right here to answer." You look around your room, taking in your surroundings, "Thank you, Mark. Actually, I do have a few questions." You have more than a few, you have hundreds. "Shoot," he comes over to you and sits down on the bed next to you. "How exactly did we meet?" you ask. "We've basically been friends since birth. We lived next door to each other our entire lives and when I said I was going to move here, to LA, you said there was no way I was leaving without you. So, you packed up your stuff and come out here with me. We've always been inseparable." You nod in response, "So, is there anything else you think I need to know?" He looked into your eyes for a moment, then turned away and stood up. He walks around to the other side of your bed and opens the drawer of your nightstand. He pulls out a book and returns to his seat next to you. He holds it out, offering it to you. You stare at it for a moment then open it. The first page only had a couple lines written on it. It read Mark, if you've found this, don't read it. Love ya though, weirdo. "You know, Mark, this told you not to read it. I'm assuming there's stuff in here that I don't want you to read," you tell him. "I know. I didn't read it, I promise. I'll leave you to read it," and with that, he stood up once more and left the room, closing the door behind him quietly.

You slowly turn each page, carefully reading each and every detail. You started writing this a long time ago. You don't even know when. On the first full page, you wrote about your childhood memories with Mark; these took up more than just the first page, but the first ten, if not more. One memory in particular stood out to you. It's a memory of one of many times you and Mark went into the woods behind his house. It seems like you had quiet the imagination when you were that age. It says you and him found an old, abandoned house out there and claimed there was an old witch that lived there. Your presence at her house angered her. Of course, you and Mark were too young at the time to know anny better, so you stayed. Apparently, the "witch" put a "curse" on you two. She wouldn't tell either of you what your curse was, all she said is, "you'll know the curse is upon you when you lose your greatest feeling." Your child self had quite the imagination.

You continued through the journal, mentally trying to relive everything. Even though your memories technically didn't come back right then, you had a better understanding of your relationship with Mark. He was more than just your good friend like he said at the hospital, he was your best friend.

Hey guys! I really hope you guys are liking this so far. So many questions left unanswered! You'll get answers soon, maybe. Thank you guys so much for reading, voting, sharing, anything and everything is greatly appreciated.

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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