July 14, 2002

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Today, Mark and I went on an adventure in the forest. Well, technically it was a bunch of woods in his backyard. but it was still pretty far away from everything. We'd been out there before. I remember one game we used to play about finding a witch out there and she cursed us. I can't remember how it ended though, but I remember the game.

Since we had been down there so much, we've made trails to all the really good places. One of them being the creek. The water is so clear your can see every rock, fish, and spec of mud at the bottom. Granted, it's not that deep anyway, maybe 4 inches in some places, but in some it can get all the way up to our chests.

Today, we were just walking along in the creek and all of a sudden Mark throws a big handful of mud at me. At first, I didn't know how to react. I wasn't sure if I should be mad, or laugh at it. So I grabbed a big handful, he begged for me not to, but of course I threw it anyway. When he threw it at me it had only covered my chest and neck, I threw it and hit right in the face. Technically, that's not my fault, he's shorter than I think he is.

So we had a huge mud fight until we were both completely covered. It was definitely the funnest thing we've ever done in the woods. Then we walked down to a really deep part and washed all the mud away. It was a place where the sun shown perfectly through the trees onto this little pool of water. And a small waterfall flowed beautifully into it. Then, we laid in the sun on the bank of the creek and just talked about nothing in particular. It felt nice to have his company around. It was nice to have him around all the time. I couldn't imagine not being around him. Especially not having ever known him, I don't know what I would do if I didn't know him.

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