Chapter 4: I Need A Distraction

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Mark's POV

 "Look, guys, just don't make this harder on me than it already is. You have no idea how hard it is to love someone so much and they just, all of a sudden, completely forget who you are. It's heartbreaking," I run my hand through my hair, fighting back the tears. Dark roles his eyes, "Mark, you have always been the most emotional of the three of us. If I were you, I'd already be having fun with that situation," he winks at me. "I'm not that kind of guy, Dark. I'm not going to manipulate her just because of her situation." "I'm just saying. I would be upstairs with her right now if I were you," Dark says raising his eyebrows. I'll admit, I have thought about going upstairs t her within these few minutes she's been gone. Not for the reasons Dark is saying though. I want to just go up there and tell her everything. Remind her of all the memories we've shared. 

I remember one time in particular. I don't really know if you would call it a date or not, but it kind of seemed like one from my point of view. I knew she's always been kind of interested in art. She's actually really good at it too. Of course, if I ever told her that she'd deny it, but it was true. She had an amazing talent, she just wouldn't accept the fact. I knew that she liked to draw, but I wasn't sure if she could do anything else artistic. I did some research in our area back in Cincinnati and found a place where you can make pottery. I called an scheduled a date for us to come in and it be just us two. Back then, I wasn't as YouTube famous as I am now, but I didn't want to risk it. Plus, I thought it'd be more meaningful than if there were a bunch of people there. Anyway, I didn't tell her what I was planning; I wanted it to be a surprise. All I told her was to not make plans for that day. When the day finally came, I told her to get in the car; she never argued when I told her to do stuff like this, which made it easier to surprise her. She hadn't the slightest idea what I had planned until we pulled us and she saw the sign. When we went inside, it was completely quiet. "Mr. Fischbach, right on time. We have your room all set up. Down the hall and the last door on the right," the woman behind the counter told us. I lead her down the hall and open the door for her. She sees the potters wheel and instantly knows what we're doing, "I've never done this before. I don't know how," she told me. "It's okay," I closed the door behind us, "I don't either." It was always easy to make her laugh. Her big heart and bright spirits always made her happy and fun to be around. We sat there for who knows how long and tried our best to make a bowl, or a vase, or whatever kind of shape we made. I sat behind her and leaned my arms around her, placing my hands on hers as we felt the cool clay flow across our hands. I'd give anything to go back to that moment, or at least for her to remember that moment. For that was the moment I truly realized how I felt about her. 

Dark's POV

"Mark," I snapped in front of his face, "Mark, snap out of it." He blinks and looks up at me blankly. "You okay?" Wilford asks. Mark just nods. He was thinking about something, but the bond between us grows weaker with each passing minute. When Wilford and I first escaped Mark's mind, we could still hear all his thoughts, see all his memories; but now, as time passes, we're becoming individuals. Wilford and I know how this process works; First, we lose connections with his brain, slowly, not all at once. We can still communicate through or minds, but not see everything that's going on in his brain like it was before. This process of losing the ability to see into Mark's brain happens rather quickly; the rest of the process takes a while. 

"I'm going to go upstairs and check on her," Mark interrupts my thinking and walks up the stairs. An image suddenly appears in my mind, and I'm lost in it; completely unaware of what's going on around me. I see a bookshelf, full of wonderful worlds yet to be lived in. There's one book in particular that stands out to me. It's leather bound cover appears to be worn; it looks hundreds of years old, just judging by the binding. Where is it at though? It feels like I'm being drawn to it. I have this feeling deep inside myself that I've seen it before. Like I know every word that's written inside. I have to find it. Then, the image begins to zoom out and I have a clear image of where it is. I see (F/n) sitting on her bed, then Mark walking in and sitting down next to her. Is this is real rime? Suddenly, I snap out of it, "Wilford, I need your help." "With what?" he asks. "I need you to cause a distraction. I have to get into (F/n)'s room." 


"God, what's with all the questions, Will? I need to get a book out of there."

"A book? Is it the book?"

"I think so."

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