Chapter 7: Don't Tell Mark

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Dark's POV

I finally pull away, "I've been wanting to do that ever since you went into the hospital." Her eyes are locked on mine, a grin finds its way onto her face. I can see her blush deepen. "Don't be embarrassed. You never have to be embarrassed about anything with me. Ever," I tell her, leaning in and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I can hear Mark's faint thoughts of where to turn to get home. That's my signal that it's time for me to get out of here. "I've got to go. I'll be back later," I wink at her. I stand up and head for the door. Before exiting, I turn around and look at her, "And don't tell Mark. He gets jealous easily." She only nods on response.

I return downstairs to my spot on the couch next to an unmoved Wilford. "Phase one complete," I tell him, propping my feet up on the coffee table and putting my hands behind my head. "Dark," he says but I cut him off, I know what he's going to say. "I know, I know. This is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this. But don't I deserve some happiness? Why is it that Mark's the only one that has ever been allowed to be happy?" I say defensively. "Dark, I know exactly what you want from her. You don't really love her. You just want to have sex with her," his eyes fill with that anger that's filled them so many times before. "I said happiness, not love. I'm a man, if sex is what brings me happiness, who are you to say if I'm allowed to do it or not?" Wilford sighs deeply, "Dark, you don't get it. Her and Mark are basically dating." "Basically. That means they aren't. I lived in Mark's brain with you. I saw everything that happened between them and I do not recall him ever making it official." And with that, Wilford goes silent.

Wilford's POV

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Mark walks through the front door. "Hey guys," he says, "nothing happened while I was gone did it." I look over at Dark, not a hint of guilt on his face. He actually looks quiet pleased with himself. He disgusts me. He's the whole reason why I don't want to be evil anymore, no one ever likes the bad guy. In the movies, the bad guy never wins or gets the girl, it's always the good guy. I figure if I switch sides, I'll have a greater chance of find the one. Mark's always been good and he's pretty sure he's found it, but now Dark's trying to ruin it. Even if it's not meant to be between Mark and (F/n), I'm going to do everything in my power to keep Dark from ruining the possibly for them to be together. Mark's like my brother and Dark is more of the wicked step-sibling. I'd take a bullet for Mark, probably for Dark too if the situation were right, but if I had to choose which one to save, I'd choose Mark in a heartbeat.

"Nothing happened. Will and I have been sitting here talking about the situation at hand," Dark tells him without batting an eye. "That's good," Mark begins putting the groceries away, I stand up and walk over to another full bag of groceries, "need any help?" Mark looks at me, I see a bit of surprise, "Sure, thank you." I hear Dark snicker all the way from in here.

"Hey, Mark?" I get his attention. "Yea?" "Were you and (F/n) like official?" I ask, trying to make sure it didn't come off wrong. "Like official together?" he thought for a moment, "no, I guess not. Why?" "I was just curious," he probably thinks I'm talking about myself. I don't want him to think that, but I know that's the exact thought going through his mind. I don't even know her that well. I wouldn't want to try to pursue her, not right now anyway. It's a difficult time for her, with her memories gone and all. I wouldn't want to make it any harder on her than it has to be.

Your POV

You hear the front door then the opening an closing of cabinets for several minutes. You've been sitting in the same spot since Dark left your room. You think about what Mark told you earlier when he came up to your bedroom. He had told you that you meant a lot to him. He made absolute sure to make it very clear that it was just in a friend way though. He sounded rather suspicious though, you could feel that there was something more about that. You may have lost memories of him from before, but based on now, you'd say he might have feelings that are more than friendship. But, you're with Dark. Honestly, you're a little confused. Your body seemed more naturally comfortable around Mark, but Dark said that you'd been dating for two years. Two years. You thought about that for a moment, what had happened in those two years? Did you guys ever....? You wanted to ask him, but now wasn't the time.

After the noises of cabinets from the kitchen dies down, you decide to go back downstairs. You see Dark relaxing on the couch and Wilford and Mark putting up the last of the groceries. You glance back at Dark, who winks at you, causing you to blush. You mouth the word, "stop," to him playfully. You weren't sure exactly how you acted in the two years of dating before the memory loss, but you figured you should just act as natural as possible. Mark looks over at you, "Hey, (F/n), you didn't have to come down here." "I know, I just don't want to sit in my room for a long time. Too anxious I guess," you tell him. "Well, you're welcome to do whatever you please," he tells you, "anything you need, just let me know." "Thanks, Mark." Even the way he said simple things like that gave you the suspicion that he felt something more than just a simple friendship. Luckily, Wilford hasn't even really tried to talk to you. If he does, and he flirts, it'll make everything a lot more confusing than it already is.

Team Dark or Team Mark? Maybe there could be a Team Wilford soon?

Anyway, as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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