Chapter 6: Don't Lie To Her

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Hey guys! I promise, this is where it starts getting good.

Dark's POV

After reading all the important parts of the book, Wilford and I mutually agreed to not show Mark the book. He didn't need to know about it, anyway. Wilford took the book and hid it under the couch, surely no one will look under there. Mark comes down the stairs only moments after Wilford and I sit back on the couch. "Hey, I'm going to the store to get some groceries. Do you guys need anything?" Mark asks us. "I'm good," Wilford says. "Me too," I tell him as he grabs his keys off the kitchen counter. 'I'll be back soon," he opens the door and takes a step out, "and leave her alone. She's reading," and he walks out and closes the door behind him. I hear the car start and drive away. I only wait a few seconds before standing up, "Okay, well I'm gonna go talk to her." Wilford gets an expression of worry, "don't try any funny business, Dark. She's Mark's." I laugh, "Remember my name, Will. It's Dark. As in the evil one. Of course I'm gonna try some funny business. Come on, you used to be pretty wicked yourself, don't go soft on me now. We've finally gotten our chance to be free. I can't have you ruining our opportunity just because you've developed feelings." Wilford just looks off in another direction. "Whatever, I'll be back later. Maybe," I tell him as I head up the stairs.

I quietly walk over to (F/n)'s room and open the door. She's sitting on her bed, reading a book. She doesn't even look over to me, I must've been even quieter than I thought. "Hi," I speak up. She doesn't jump, which is good. Wouldn't want to startle her. "Hey," she says closing the book and putting it on her nightstand, "Dark, right?" I nod, "Good, that means you can retain new information and your brain isn't too damaged." She smiles, "My brain isn't damaged at all, thank you very much." I close the door behind me, "Sure it's not," I joke. I've observed how Mark used to joke with her, so I know exactly what her sense of humor is like. I basically know everything she likes already, so that gives me a huge bonus. "So, how are you feeling?" I ask her as I start walking around the room slowly. "I feel fine, I just wish I would remember something," she looks down at the ground. I walk over to her and place a finger under her chin, raising her line of sight up to my eyes, "It's not your fault," I remove my finger and sit down on the bed next to her, "I wish you'd remember, too. We shared so many great memories." "We did?" she asks. "Yea. They were so much fun. I hate hearing that you can't remember them," I see her gaze move to the book, "But I never wrote anything about you..." she says quietly. "You wrote stuff down?" I ask; she only nods. I have to find a way out of this. How am I suppose to explain why we have "so many memories" but she never wrote about them. "You probably wrote them in a different book. Probably several different books, there's just so many memories." "In that one, it seems like I spent all my time with Mark though," she questions. She is making this harder than it has to be. "Well, you and Mark were best friends, but me and you, we were something more," I tell her, looking her right in the eyes. "What were we?" she asks for confirmation. "Well when you went into the hospital, it was our two year anniversary."

"Stop lying to her, Dark. You'll only confuse her," I hear Wilford's voice say in my head. "Shut up," I mentally reply. "Wow, two years?" she says. I nod, "mhmm. Best two years of my life." I lean in closer to her slightly and move my hand closer to hers. I half expected her to move away, but she doesn't. This is actualy going easier than expected. I can see her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink; she looks away from me, "that's a long time. I can't believe I can't remember it." I lean in a little closer with each passing second. My hand slowly moves on top of hers. She doesn't move or even tense up. She remains completely calm. I intertwine my fingers with hers, "I can't either. As much as I wish you'd remember everything, I know I can get you to fall in love with me all over again."

Your POV

I was dating Dark? I had assumed since Mark was there with me in the hospital, I'd be dating him. It would've made more sense for my significant other to be at my bedside rather than my best friend. You're pulled out of your thoughts by the sensation on Dark's fingers intertwining with yours. Your hands fit together like puzzle pieces. "You're sure about that?" you ask him. He smirks, "I remember exactly what it was that I did that made you fall in love with me the first time, so I'm assuming it'll work a second time." You continue staring at the ground, "you sound pretty sure of yourself." His thumb lightly begins stoking yours, "I know I'm right." He takes his other hand and places it on your chin, gently moving your head so you are almost forced to give him eye contact. "I love you, (F/n). I know you don't remember me, or any of the things we've ever done together, but I do. And I still love you." He slowly leans in, keeping his hand on your chin, until your lips connect. Just for a moment, you feel a spark. Sure, you have no idea who this man is, but apparently you've been dating him for a couple years. If you were in his situation, and your boyfriend forgot who you were, you wouldn't want to be denied simple things in the relationship that had become a normal, everyday activity. After all, it's just a kiss with your boyfriend, it's not like there's anything wrong with it.

Woah, Dark. What's your opinion on Dark right now? Total ass or do you have sympathy? Thank you guys so much for reading, voting, following, anything you guys do I thank you for it.

Get ready for some major drama soon. And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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