Chapter 10: The Best of Me

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Your POV

After the meal, you walk around the streets of LA for a little while, hand in hand. He walks you over to a bench and takes a seat, motioning for you to sit next to him. He holds you hand in his and looks into your eyes, "(F/n), I know all the stuff Mark is saying to you is probably confusing to you, but I just want you to know... it's true. I thought you should know the truth. I'm so sorry for lying to you, I really do care about you, though." You start at him blankly in thought, so Dark's not real? You have so many questions, so little answers. "Dark, I just don't understand." He explains the whole situation, you try your best to keep up, but there's so much information that you're having a hard time retaining. He tells you that there's something else that he can't tell you about. Of course, that makes you even more curious. "What is it?" you beg. "I can't say. If I do, something bad will happen, and I really don't want it to happen again," he looks away from you. "Dark, you can tell me anything. I know we didn't really date, but I still kind of like you," your cheeks blush, "I mean, you were in Mark's brain for all those year so technically, you already know everything about me if Mark does. "We should really be getting home," he stands up and reaches his hand out to you to help you up. You walked back to the car and went home, in silence.

When you get home and walk through the living room, you see Mark dusting and Wilford doing the floors, it must be cleaning day or maybe they just got bored. Wilford looks over at you and gives you a friendly grin, which you return and walk upstairs. You change into your pajamas, still trying to soak in all the information Dark gave you. You want to get it all off your mind for just a little while so you decide to read. You walk over to your bookshelves and search for a book. You pick up The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks and begin reading. You've never read this book before, but you've seen several Nicholas Sparks movies and absolutely fell in love. Soon, you find yourself lost in the words on the pages, literally.

Wilford's POV

I'm pretty sure I saw Dark drop several pieces of his sandwich and fries under the couch. So, of course, I'm the one left to clean it up. Mark goes into the kitchen to get more rags to clean with and I get on my hands and knees to look under the couch. I see the book Dark hid under there, I can't let Mark know it's here. Wait, how long did it say this would last until Dark and I became completely separated from Mark? I need to check, right now. I quickly pull the book out from under the couch then make a dash for the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet seat lid and open up the book. All of a sudden, I have this strange feeling deep down inside. Then, my vision goes completely black.

Your POV

You lose sight for just a moment. For literally less than five seconds, the world is completely black. Then, your eyes slowly open. You take a look around, where are you? This isn't your bedroom. You stand up from out of the strange bed and walk over to the window, you aren't even in LA. You exit the room and walk down the stairs, you recognize this house, but you've never been here before. This is the exact place where you imagined your book you were reading taking place in. It's Amanda's teenage home. But, why are you here? How are you here? You walk outside and jump in her car, you don't know how, but you know exactly how to get to the place where you need to go.

Once you get to Tuck's house (if you haven't read The Best Of Me, Tuck is the old man who takes in Dawson {the main guy character} in after he runs away from home), you jump out and run to the open garage. You see the old, blue car with the hood up. You can hear sounds of metal against metal as you slowly enter the garage. Since you know how this story goes, you know it's Dawson who's behind there if in fact you are the main character, Amanda. "Dawson?" you say quietly. You see a person lean out from behind the hood. To your surprise, it's not Dawson. It's Wilford. You let out a small gasp, shocked to see him here. "Wilford?" you change your previous statement.

"Amanda, I don't want you to see me like this," he says. Then you realize what this is, you're inside the story as Amanda and Dawson. You know exactly how this goes, so you decide to go along with it, what's the harm in it anyway, it's just a story. "Why'd you leave me there all by myself?" you ask him because he left you at a restaurant by yourself, which was suppose to be your first date. "I didn't want to go out in public like this," walks over to you, revealing a black eye on his left side. You never realized exactly how muscular he was until you see him in this t-shirt. Are Mark and Dark this muscular, too? You snap back into the story-line, "then take me somewhere private." This is the part where he takes you to the water tower, overlooking the city. You and Wilford have a deep conversation, not the exact one from the book, or even the movie, it's a different one. After your deep conversation on the water tower, you two walk back to Tuck's house. He walks over to the rose bush and plucks off a single flower, he comes back over to you and silently gives it to you. You have a feeling that something about this story is changing, like it's becoming real. You look down at the rose, then back up at him, but he's already looking at you. You stare into each other's eyes for a moment, then finally, you can't take the tension anymore and you lean in slightly, then he closes the distance. The moment your lips meet is like magic, you can hear fireworks going off. When you pull away he says, "I guess I wanted to do that." "I guess I did, too," you say back. "I really like you, (F/n)," when you hear him say your name, you know exactly what's changed.

And Wilford's finally made his appearance in this love triangle. Love square. I don't even know what it is anymore. But, I hope you guys are liking this. Any thoughts on who you like best tell me in the comments.

Team Mark, Team Dark, or Team Wilford?

By the way, has anyone actually read The Best of Me? If not, you should (even though I'll spoil the ending in here) but still, it's a great book.

Anyway, thanks so much for reading and voting, I just hit 100 followers! And this book is so close to 1K! I love you guys so much, you all only have nice things to say and I'm so thankful for that. And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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