Chapter 18: Trust Me

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Your POV

You continue reading until you hear the front door open. When you do, you gather up your courage and head downstairs carrying the journal. No sign of Dark or Wilford anywhere; they must be in their rooms. Mark brings in a few bags of groceries and begins putting them away. You walk over to a different bag and start helping him put the food away. He looks over at you like you're insane. "Chill, Mark. I'm just being nice," you smile at him, hoping to lighten the mood. He returns it with a half smirk and a twinkle in his eyes. After the groceries are put away, you ask him, "Mark, can we talk?" "Sure," you turn and head into the living room and take a seat in the couch. He sits on the other side of the couch, obviously not wanting to get too close to you, either for his own reasons or because he know you don't want him very close right now. "Okay, so about this journal, I've read through it a couple times and I have a few questions that I'm hoping you can help me with," he nods along in understanding. "I can try to help. What is it about exactly?" he asks, leaning forward, putting his elbows in his knees. "Well, there a part in here," you open the book to the page with the witch story, "we were little kids and we went out into the woods. We found an old house that belonged to a witch and our presence on her property angered her. Apparently, she put a curse on both of us, but she never actually told us what the curse was." You hand him the book and point out her quote, "You'll know the curse is upon you when you lose your greatest feeling." "Your greatest feeling?" Mark questions. You shrugged, "I was hoping you would know something about this. I don't know why but out of all of these memories that one sticks out to me the most."

Mark takes a few minutes to read the entire story for himself. "I actually do remember this, surprisingly enough. It was a pretty crazy experience. I mean, we were pretty little when this happened, maybe seven, around ten maybe, but I remember everything so vividly. But what does that mean? You'll know the curse is upon you when you lose your greatest feeling? That doesn't even make sense," he hands you the book back. "I mean, I lost my memory. Would that be my greatest feeling?" you suggest. "Possibly, but the how do we break it?" he asks, "And it says in there that we both got cursed. Why are you the only one who's actually being affected by it?" All of these are questions that we have to find the answers for. You stand up and begin pacing the floor in thought, "You said before that we both moved here together, right? Where did we move from again?" you ask. "Cincinnati," he tells you with a confused look on his face, "Why?" You ignore his question as the gears in your mind keep turning, "What if we went back there, found her, and just asked her to reverse it." "(F/n), we were so little," he trails off. "But you said you remember everything so vividly. And don't even try to tell me that all of this is in my mind because I know damn well that Dark and Wilford aren't just your brothers. Maybe they have something to do with it," the first puzzle pieces start fitting together in your mind. Mark stands up, "well, I guess we're going to Cincinnati."

A few days later, Mark had bought two plane tickets from LA to Cincinnati. Neither of you had said anything to Dark or Wilford about it. Speaking of Dark, he hasn't even come out of his room that you've seen at all in the past few days. You put the thought out of your mind as you finish packing. You take your bags downstairs and quickly put them in the car, hoping neither Wilford or Dark sees you. You go back inside and see Wilford rushing up the stairs.

Mark's POV

I'm in my room, finishing up my packing. I hear someone walking up the stairs, probably (F/n). Then, my door opens. I look up from my suitcase to see Wilford entering my room, closing the door behind him. He's holding a hand behind his back. "Hey, Will," I say as he walks over to me. I look down at the suitcase, this will definitely make him suspicious. (F/n) and I agreed to not tell Dark or Wilford, but now Wilford probably knows somethings up, "I can explain the suitcase." "I already know you and (F/n) are going to Cincinnati. We're still mentally connected, remember," he informs me. That's right, I've been thinking about this nonstop for the past several days. I wish he would just get out of my brain. "Look, Mark, you need to take this," he pulls his hand out from behind his back and he's holding a leather bound, old looking book. "What is it?" I ask him. I open up the front cover, but Wilford quickly slams it closed, "No! You can't read it yet. You'll know when to read it, but you can't read it before then. Trust me."

Mark's back! Are you guys ready for some answers!? You and Mark going to Cincinnati, alone... Any team changes?

Thank you guys so much for reading! And as always, I will see you in the next chapter!

Bye bye!

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