Chapter 25: Anything For Markimoo

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Your POV

The following day you are released from the hospital. They couldn't quite figure out why you had fainted in the park. They concluded that it was probably just low blood sugar. Mark takes you back to the hotel. He's unpacked his bags. "Why'd you unpack? Aren't we leaving soon?" you ask him. "Well, we haven't accomplished what we came here to do. I already booked this place for another week, if you'd like more privacy, I can move to a different room," he offers, but you reject the idea. "No. I'd rather have company than be alone, especially with you," you can see his cheeks blush slightly at your comment. "I'm gonna step outside for a minute, I'm going to call Wilford. I haven't talked to him since we got off the plane. "No, no. He's fine. I talked to him earlier. Before you woke up. He says hi, and that he misses you, but he understands this trip is a very serious matter," Mark says to you. "I'd still like to talk to him," you reply. "He said he had plans for the rest of the day," Mark rebuttals. "Okay," there's a silent pause as you sit down on your bed, "So where do you suggest we begin in our search for this witch?" Mark thinks for a moment, then shoots up off the bed, "I've got it! Since we were young, we don't remember it, but maybe our parents do." 

You and Mark get in the rental car and head over to his mom's house. You never really got good vibes from the woman. She always felt rather cold toward you. Maybe you had always just imagined it, you never told Mark that you felt like this toward his mother, or, at least you never wrote anything about it in your journal. Mark knocked on the door and turned toward you while waiting for someone to answer. "You look nervous," he states. You nod in response, "Don't be. You'll be fine. You've met her before." That didn't give you much reassurance considering you had met her before but you knew she didn't like you. The door opened and Mark opened his arms wide, "Mom!" he said as he hugged his mom and you two walked inside. "Mark, I didn't know you were in town? Why didn't you tell me, I would've planned something," she half asked, half scolded him. "Sorry, this was sort of a surprise trip. We didn't exactly plan it. there's some questions we need to ask you," with the word 'we' Mark's mom looked you up and down with a somewhat disgusted face. "Sure, of course. Anything for my little Markimoo," his mother pinched his cheeks and walked into the living room. You could see that his cheeks were a slight shade of pink, you weren't sure if that was from the pinching or just blush. 

You sit next to Mark on the couch and try to remain as quiet as possible, while Mark's mom sits in a recliner on the opposite side of the room. "Is something wrong?" she asks. "No, not really," he pauses and thinks for a moment, "well, actually yes. (F/n) lost her memories, not all of them, just the ones containing," he pauses for a quick second, "me. And we were hoping you could help us find where we need to go to fix it." "Well, I would suggest the crazy house," she says without hesitation. You do your best to not roll your eyes or make a rude comment. Mark changes the subject quickly, "Do you remember us ever talking about a witches house?" His mom looks off in a different direction and stays silent for a minute or two, "Actually, yes. I remember you came home one day from playing out in the woods with her and you wouldn't stop talking about it. I assumed it was just a small boy's imagination so I went along with it." "Do you remember where it was?" he asks. "It was behind our old house. It was out in the country, I can write down directions if you want," Mark accepts her offer. She goes into another room and returns with a piece of paper with the directions written on it. "Thank you so much, Mom. We'll try to visit more often." We walk out the front door and get into the car. Mark hands you the paper, "Can you read this off to me?" "Of course, anything for 'Markimoo.'"

Sorry for shorter updates, I tried to make this one longer. I about had a mental breakdown editing a video for YouTube, then I gave up and edited a different one. NEW VIDEO UP TOMORROW! And remember, 50 Subs and we'll post the whisper challenge. It's already filmed and we know you all will love it. 

Anyway, as always, I will see you in the next chapter!

Bye bye!

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