Chapter 34: I Believe In You

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Your POV

I have to do this. This is what he wants. You think to yourself as you stare out the window looking at the passing trees. Beside you, Mark drives as Wilford sits silently in the backseat. It's a pretty awkward car ride, filled with absolute silence. You've found comfort in the silence though. You don't have anything to say anyway. The silence just gives you more time to sort out all your emotions and thoughts. Time is something you simply don't have enough of.

As Mark drives along the narrowing road, you know you're starting to get close. Maybe just 15 minutes left. "Maybe you still need this," Wilford leans up from the backseat and hands you the old, leather bound book. "I doubt it, it's hollow," you say as you open it up. Surprisingly, it's not hollow anymore. The pages seem to never have been cut. "What?" you whisper, not realizing you said anything until Wilford replied to it. "Impressive isn't it? Crazy things happen everyday. You just have to believe," you turn and see his head leaned forward, him smiling at you. You return the smile, how does anyone have such perfect teeth?

You flip through the pages. After a few minutes of looking over your shoulder, Wilford returns to a more comfortable, relax position in the back seat. You continue flipping pages, examining each one closely, hoping to find something that would help you. You stumble upon one page with a ripped up piece of notebook paper in it. You unfolded it and read the words in that familiar messy handwriting.

This is it. You can figure it out. I know you can. I believe in you.

There lacked a signature on the note, but you knew who wrote it. The memories flood back along with the guilt. You clutch the note in your hand, holding it close to your heart. Feeling a tear trickle down your cheek, you tuck the note in your pocket for safe keeping. You return to reading the page. Most of it was in Latin, there was one phrase in particular that stood out to you. It was in bold, capital letters.


The words, something about them, you knew they were important but you had no idea what they said. Looking over the rest of the page, nothing else caught your eye. You knew there had to be something here to help. If it hadn't been important, Dark wouldn't have bookmarked it. He knew something that you didn't, and you were determined to find out what.

Sorry this was short guys! And I honestly cannot express how sorry I am for not posting I've been really sick lately and had writers block in the process and I AM SO SORRY!! I am starting to write again and now I'm really sad that this ones almost over. I'm already starting to plan the sequel a little. So if you have suggestions for that let me know.

And INDY POPCON. If any of you are going to that tell me in the comments. And if you'd like to meet up there I'd absolutely LOVE to meet some of you. More details about that later but I'll post on here where I'll be at and what I'm wearing then and hopefully me and BonnieWest (author of "A Difference" on Wattpad) can meet some of you!

Thank you all so much for your support and patience during this hectic time for me. I love you all so much. You truly are all my best friends!

And I literally just hit 300 followers! I never expected this! Thank you all again! I love doing what I do on here!

And as always, I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye bye!

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